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Batch file for compiling with nwnnsscomp

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01-31-2005, 10:45 AM
For those of you who like using the batch file method of compiling *.nss scripts, I submit the following attachment.

This batch file will dutifully ignore nwscript.nss if it exists and will generate a summary report for your inspection. The summary report will also be written to a log file called nsscomp-log.txt (which is overwritten each time the .bat is run).

Directions: Unzip the file. Put it in the same directory as nwnsscomp.exe and your *.nss files. Double-click the .bat file to run it or type nsscomp from a command line in that directory.

(See attachment two posts down.)
01-31-2005, 10:50 AM
This is cool :) I was already imagining compiling something like the AIOFPM with the other method (about 400 scripts with very different titles :nut: ). You saved my life :p
01-31-2005, 10:56 AM
02-01-2005, 2:25 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
This is cool :) I was already imagining compiling something like the AIOFPM with the other method (about 400 scripts with very different titles :nut: ). You saved my life :p

:eek: Are you saying that you have compiled scripts 1 at a time.

(See attachment two posts down.)

Thanks tk, I have always used the old method of keeping nwnsscomp.exe and the batch in KotOR main and just dropping the scripts in override to compile and test, but that can get messy if I forgot to remove old nss ;)
02-01-2005, 2:55 AM
02-01-2005, 6:02 AM
Originally posted by T7nowhere
:eek: Are you saying that you have compiled scripts 1 at a time.
Of course not :D I would be dead! I was just imagining having to compile this without a batch file :explode:
But thanks to tk102, compiling 400 scripts at a time for k2 will now be a matter of a few seconds :)
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