If you want to spawn your own Footlocker, try this;
Extract a game footlocker, remove any items from it's invantory and scripts from the scripts fields, then change the templateresref and resref to footlker099, then change it's tag to Footlocker99 then save the .utp file as footlker099.utp.
Here is the basic script to spawn a footlocker that uses the .utp you created above in the game and place some items into it, therefore you can use the same footlocker .utp all throughout the game and it all works the same as it is the script that denotes what is in the footlocker / metalbox / plastic cylender / etc.
void main()
float x=0.00f; //Here is where you add the 'whereami' cheat coordinate 1.
float y=0.00f; //Here is where you add the 'whereami' cheat coordinate 2.
float z=0.00f; //Here is where you add the 'whereami' cheat coordinate 3.
float r=0.0f; // This is where you set the orientation of the placeable, set in degrees.
vector MyVec = Vector(x,y,z); //line 1
location MyLoc = Location(MyVec, r); //line 2
CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "footlker099", MyLoc); //line3
CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", GetObjectByTag("Footlocker99"));
CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", GetObjectByTag("Footlocker99"));
CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", GetObjectByTag("Footlocker99"), 2);
Copy this text paste it to notepad and then edit the file to taste, you will have to enter the coordinates for your footlocker in the appropriate lines that you got from the 'whereami' cheat.
You will likely have to test the script a couple of times to get the Footlocker's orientation correct, I suggest sticking to North or 0.00, East or 90.00, South or 180.00, and West or 270.00, but you can use any others.
Regarding the items you wish to place in the Footlocker, you can easily add more of the CreateItemOnObject lines... hundreds if you want to, all you have to do is change the item tags in the first set of quotations. The ones that look like the 'giveitem' cheat codes.
Also note the last CreateItemOnObject line in the script has a 2 on the end, this is if you wish a certain quantity of the same item to be placed into the container, so in this line when run it would place 2 of those saber crystals with the item tag of g_w_sbrcrstl04 in the locker, you can use any number, I have used up to 500 with no problems.
Save your script as... say ev_footlkr1.nss make sure you save it as an .nss file and not .txt.
Next you will have to compile it a good thread to help you with that is here. (
Once you have your script compiled and you have your ev_footlkr1.ncs, you can move on to the last parts.
FYI you can celete the .ndb files that the compiler generates.
Next you will need the .dlg file from the cutscene you are talking about, open it up in the dialogue editor of your choice, Fred's or tk102's and search for a line that is certain to be spoken, and you should see somewhere a place that says "script to run for this node" (I know in the dialogue editor in KT it says this) and make sure it is blank, if it is then you can easily enter your script name in there, in your case it would be ev_footlkr1. Save the edited .dlg file.
Place the .dlg file you edited, the ev_footlkr1.ncs, the footlker099.utp, and all of your possible custom item files you want to place in the Footlocker into your override.
Fire up the game, and then load your save you have before entering that area or activating that dialogue, and see what happens, as I stated above you may have to test the orientation of your placeable a couple of times, but that is just a simple number change in the script and a recompile.
This is why I personally favor useing the Metal Box placeable as it's orientation doesn't really matter. ;)
Once you get the hang of it you will find this easy to do. :eyeraise: Wow... this is a mini-tutorial isn't it? :)
EDIT: Here is the same script example, except it is useable in situations where the dialogue can be repeated and you want the script to fire only once, then you would use this;
void main()
//Conditional Spawn NPC Script By TK102, Darth333, and RedHawke
int nBoolSlot=6; //any number 0-7 can be used here
int nCheck=GetLocalBoolean(GetFirstPC(),nBoolSlot);
if (nCheck) { return; } //exit if TRUE
float x=0.00f; //Here is where you add the 'whereami' cheat coordinate 1.
float y=0.00f; //Here is where you add the 'whereami' cheat coordinate 2.
float z=0.00f; //Here is where you add the 'whereami' cheat coordinate 3.
float r=0.0f; // This is where you set the orientation of the placeable, set in degrees.
vector MyVec = Vector(x,y,z); //line 1
location MyLoc = Location(MyVec, r); //line 2
CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "footlker099", MyLoc); //line3
CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", GetObjectByTag("Footlocker99"));
CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", GetObjectByTag("Footlocker99"));
CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", GetObjectByTag("Footlocker99"), 2);
// now close the door so we can't re-enter
This script is identical to the one I gave above, only this version will run only once... handy in certain areas of the game.
I hope this helps! :D