Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Table of contents

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01-25-2005, 6:41 PM
Note that if you have the option to show threads with posts from the last 30 days only at the bottom of your page you may not be able to see some tutorials.

If you want to make a tutorial, just post it at Holowan labs and PM any of the moderators to get it copied over here. Several members also have this power and if they see the thread and deem it useful they will copy it over.

Tools - initiation to Kotor modding
Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra (

General Tips
How to Take Screenshots (
Useful features in swkotor.ini (
Total Conversions and other big mods (

Reference: Cut Scenes (STUNT modules) (
Reference: Lists of Cutscene Movies (

Basic Modding

UTI (Item File) editing (
Custom Clothing (texturing, appearance.2da editing, and uti's) (
UTP Tutorial (
UTC Tutorial (
Making Portraits ( --Contains some dead images

Default Game Textures' .TXIs (

Major Content Mods
Journal Entry Tutorial (
Creating Puppets ( -- TSL only

New Areas (Modules)
Making a Mapnote (
Setting a spawn point in a custom module (
Making NPCs walk waypoints (
Force Cage Tutorial (
Naming Modules (
Custom Loadingscreens (
Mini-map Tutorial (
Marius Fett's Custom Module Tutorial (
Rotation of Creatures and Doors (
The VIS File (

Dialog Editing
Dialog between 3+ people (
Custom Lip Synching The Easy Way (
Dialog Editing Tutorial (

Scripting Installer [Nsis] [Noob Friendly] (
Modify 2DA, uti, utc files with TSLPatcher (
Creating "Witcher"-Style Books ( --TSL Only
Adding Custom Music to KOTOR (

Dead Tutorials
Here's a list of either tutorials with all dead links or that are just obsolete.

HarIII's Module Creation Tutorial (
06-21-2013, 6:51 PM
I am slowly redoing this thread. Here's the original version for anyone why actually cares.

Note that if you have the option to show threads with posts from the last 30 days only at the bottom of your page you may not be able to see some tutorials.

If you want to make a tutorial, just post it at Holowan labs and PM any of the moderators to get it copied over here. If your tutorial contains pictures or other attachments, we can host them as well.

Tools - initiation to Kotor modding
Getting started with modding: Tools + downloads (

General Tips
How to Take Screenshots (
Useful features in swkotor.ini (
Making NPCs walk waypoints (

Dialogs and Scripting
Properties of a Dialog (
Talk-Fight-Talk Sequence (
Adding voice and lipsync to a custom dialog (
Dialog editing tutorial (

Custom items (.uti editing )
How do I make custom armor? (
Non-script method to get a custom item into the game (
Achilles' Item Editing Walkthrough (
How to Make your custom saber upgradeable (KotOR) (
Tutorial--How to apply paint scheme's with Droid Armors. (
The Complete Item Lists for KotOR ( and TSL (

Module editing and new areas
Travelling to custom planets in KotOR ( (and fixing a syntax error in k_inc_ebonhawk.nss)
Adding custom planets in TSL (step by step) (
Rapid Transit on custom planets (
How to set triggers (
Creating new stores (merchants) (
Doom_Dealer's area editing tutorial (
The TSL VIS format explained (
Adding new music to an area (
Rotation of creatures and doors in the git file (
Creating custom load screens (

Keeping track of a plot
How to add journal Entries (
Achilles' Downloadable Resources
Tutorials (
Data sheets (

Other things
How to recruit an NPC in less than 10 steps (
How to create Puppets in TSL (
How to change the color of blaster bolts (
How to create a new energy shield (
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