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I give up on Gmax

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 Darth Omegacron
01-25-2005, 8:22 AM
Well, I officially give up on Gmax. It's become rather apparent that I lack either the patience or the aptitude for this program.

I still can't even manipulate simple objects in the interface, let alone make custom armor for KotOR.

I have a lot of great ideas for armor, but it appears that I will need someone else to translate those ideas into the game.

Any takers?

P.S. - I'm still working on the Jedi Whiskers mod, but it's hard to stay excited about a mod when you can't even play the game. :rolleyes:
01-25-2005, 11:08 AM
I missed the point of your thread.

Sympathy? :violin:

Mod Request? (there's another thread for that)

Is there a reason not to lock or delete this?
 Darth Omegacron
01-25-2005, 12:27 PM
I'm looking for any volunteers who want to translate my armor designs into working models for the game.

I also provided an update on the Jedi Whiskers mod.

Should I change the title of the thread?
01-25-2005, 12:38 PM
dont give up on Gmax... with the help of Seprithro who's showing me what svosh showed him... im gonna make a picture tutorial on how to make my new Double bladed Hilt... should be up by tommorow

if you can wait that long
01-25-2005, 9:52 PM
Yeah if my 11yr sister can use the program to create a almost perfect house (and she didn't even know what she was doing, she just thought that she was using shapes to make shapes look like other objects) then I am pretty sure you can too.
01-27-2005, 5:07 PM
oh yes a cube and a triangle on top of each other. :rolleyes:
01-27-2005, 6:28 PM
Yes, but not mention rectangles/lines for windows, different size plants, two different kind of trees (one looking like a christmas tree and another one looking like a tropical tree) standard house details and a oddly shaped pool with rocks around it.
01-28-2005, 10:35 AM
No offense meant by locking this, but this bird has no wings. Please use the mod request thread for request and/or post a Jedi Whiskers thread if there are updates worth mentioning.
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