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Switching combat feat animations

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08-14-2004, 6:47 PM
Hello, i was wondering if any of you happen to know if its possible to switch the animations for Power Attack and Critical Strike combat feats with eachother.

The reason im asking is because i hate the Power Attack animation (the mid-air roll) but love the Critical Strike animation. (big hard reckless attack)

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: As per request im putting the list in my first post.

Numbered animations in Animations.2da and their effect.

---Single Melee Weapon.---

f2a1 Crit strike.
f2a2 Flurry.
f2a3 PA.
f2p1 Parrying enemy Crit Strike.
f2p2 Parrying enemy Flurry.
f2p3 Sidestepping (parrying) enemy PA.
f2d1 Getting hit by a enemy Crit strike.
f2d2 Getting hit by a enemy Flurry.
f2d3 Getting hit by a enemy PA.

c2a1 melee attack.
c2a2 melee attack.
c2a3 melee attack.
c2a4 melee attack.
c2a5 melee attack.
c2p1 parry/dodge attack
c2p2 parry/dodge attack
c2p3 parry/dodge attack
c2p4 parry/dodge attack
c2p5 parry/dodge attack
c2d1 taking a melee hit
c2d2 taking a melee hit
c2d3 taking a melee hit
c2d4 taking a melee hit
c2d5 taking a melee hit
c2n1 blocking melee attack? <Looks like an unused animation>
c2n2 blocking melee attack? <Looks like an unused animation>
c2f1 blocking melee attack? <Looks like an unused animation>
c2f2 blocking melee attack? <Looks like an unused animation>

g2a1 Single Weapon Slashing attack (like the ones used on doors/lockers)
g2a2 Single Weapon Slashing attack (like the ones used on doors/lockers)
g2d1 Getting hit by something?

m2a1 Slashing attack vs unarmed enemy (IE: Rakghoul)
m2a2 Slashing attack vs unarmed enemy (IE: Rakghoul)

m2g1 dodging a attack (like when a Gamorrean attacks you with an Axe)
m2g2 duck underneath an enemy attack (or tie your shoelaces )

m2d1 getting hit by a "unarmed" enemy (IE: Gamorrean or Rakghoul...or Rancor if your unlucky)
m2d2 getting hit by a "unarmed" enemy (IE: Gamorrean or Rakghoul...or Rancor if your unlucky)

g2g1 duck underneath a enemy attack

g2w1 Single melee weapon flourish.
g2r1 Single Weapon combat stance.
g2r2 unknown.

---Double Bladed Weapon.---

f3a1 Crit strike.
f3a2 Flurry.
f3a3 PA.
f3p1 Parrying enemy Crit Strike.
f3p2 Parrying enemy Flurry attack.
f3p3 Sidestepping (parrying) enemy PA.
f3d1 Getting hit by a enemy Crit strike.
f3d2 Getting hit by a enemy Flurry.
f3d3 Getting hit by a enemy PA.

c3a1 melee attack.
c3a2 melee attack.
c3a3 melee attack.
c3a4 melee attack.
c3a5 melee attack.
c3p1 parry/dodge attack
c3p2 parry/dodge attack
c3p3 parry/dodge attack
c3p4 parry/dodge attack
c3p5 parry/dodge attack
c3d1 taking a melee hit
c3d2 taking a melee hit
c3d3 taking a melee hit
c3d4 taking a melee hit
c3d5 taking a melee hit
c3n1 unknown <Looks like an unused animation>
c3n2 unknown <Looks like an unused animation>
c3f1 unknown <Looks like an unused animation>
c3f2 unknown <Looks like an unused animation>

g3a1 Doublebladed Weapon Slashing attack (like the ones used on doors/lockers)
g3a2 Doublebladed Weapon Slashing attack (like the ones used on doors/lockers)
g3d1 Getting hit by something?

m3a1 Slashing attack vs unarmed enemy (IE: Rakghoul)
m3a2 Slashing attack vs unarmed enemy (IE: Rakghoul)

m3g1 Evading enemy attack (like when a Gamorrean attacks you with an Axe)
m3g2 duck underneath an enemy attack

m3d1 getting hit by a "unarmed" enemy (IE: Gamorrean or Rakghoul...or Rancor if your unlucky)
m3d2 getting hit by a "unarmed" enemy (IE: Gamorrean or Rakghoul...or Rancor if your unlucky)

g3g1 sidestep a enemy attack.

g3w1 Double bladed weapon flourish.
g3r1 Double bladed weapon combat stance.
g3r2 unknown.

---Dual Wielding melee Weapons.---

f4a1 Crit strike.
f4a2 Flurry.
f4a3 PA.
f4p1 Parrying enemy Crit Strike.
f4p2 Parrying enemy Flurry attack.
f4p3 Sidestepping (parrying) enemy PA.
f4d1 Getting hit by a enemy Crit strike.
f4d2 Getting hit by a enemy Flurry.
f4d3 Getting hit by a enemy PA.

c4a1 melee attack.
c4a2 melee attack.
c4a3 melee attack.
c4a4 melee attack.
c4a5 melee attack.
c4p1 parry/dodge attack
c4p2 parry/dodge attack
c4p2 parry/dodge attack
c4p3 parry/dodge attack
c3p4 parry/dodge attack
c3p5 parry/dodge attack
c4d1 taking a melee hit
c4d2 taking a melee hit
c4d3 taking a melee hit
c4d4 taking a melee hit
c4d5 taking a melee hit
c4n1 unknown <Looks like an unused animation>
c4n2 unknown <Looks like an unused animation>
c4f1 unknown <Looks like an unused animation>
c4f2 unknown <Looks like an unused animation>

g4a1 dual wielding Weapon Slashing attack (like the ones used on doors/lockers)
g4a2 dual wielding Weapon Slashing attack (like the ones used on doors/lockers)
g4d1 Getting hit by something?

m4a1 Slashing attack vs unarmed enemy (IE: Rakghoul)
m4a2 Slashing attack vs unarmed enemy (IE: Rakghoul)

m4g1 Evading enemy attack (like when a Gamorrean attacks you with an Axe)
m4g2 duck underneath an enemy attack

m4d1 getting hit by a "unarmed" enemy (IE: Gamorrean or Rakghoul...or Rancor if your unlucky)
m4d2 getting hit by a "unarmed" enemy (IE: Gamorrean or Rakghoul...or Rancor if your unlucky)

g4g1 evade a enemy attack.

g4w1 Dual wielding weapon flourish.
g4r1 Dual wielding weapon combat stance.
g4r2 unknown.

---single blaster---

b5a1 Power Blast?
b5a2 Rapid Shot
b5a3 sniper shot

g5d1 unknown (same as g1d1?)
g5g1 Dodging enemy attack (left/right combo)
g5w1 single pistol "flourish" (animation when a single pistol is equipped)

g5r1 single pistol combat stance
g5r2 unknown.

---Dual blasters---

b6a1 Power Blast?
b6a2 Rapid Shot
b6a3 Sniper Shot

g6d1 unknown
g6g1 Dodging enemy attack (left/right combo)
g6w1 Dual pistols "flourish" (animation when dual pistols are equipped)

g6r1 dual pistols combat stance
g5r2 unknown


b7a1 Power Blast?
b7a2 Rapid Shot
b7a3 Sniper Shot

g7d1 unknown
g7g1 Dodging enemy attack (left/right combo)
g7w1 Rifle "flourish" (animation when a rifle is equipped)

g7r1 Rifle combat stance
g7r2 unknown

g8a1 kick
g8a2 punch

g8r1 unarmed combat stance (AKA "Rocky" mode)
g8r2 unknown

g8d1 taking enemy hit
g8g1 dodging enemy hit

---Vulkar Shock Stick.---

g1a1 Stabbing attack
g1a2 Slashing attack

---Flying backwards, hitting floor and getting up.---

g1x1 Flying backwards (used for Force Push?)
g1y1 Hitting the floor (used after g1x1)
g1z1 Getting back up (used after g1y1)

g1d1 dodging backwards or stepping on a mine?
g1g1 Dodging blaster fire (left/right combo)
g1w1 equipping blaster?
g1r1 Force Choke animation?
g1r2 unknown <Looks like an unused animation>

f2a4 single weapon roll attack (Force Jump?)
f3a4 double bladed weapon roll attack
f4a4 dual weapons roll attack

c2a6 stab forward (Insert lightsaber in locker anyone ? )
c3a6 stab forward
c4a6 stab forward

f5p1 dodge/parry enemy attack?
f5p2 dodge/parry enemy attack?
f5p3 dodge/parry enemy attack?
f5d1 Getting hit by a enemy attack?
f5d2 Getting hit by a enemy attack?
f5d3 Getting hit by a enemy attack?
08-14-2004, 6:59 PM
Originally posted by Cerasumat
Hello, i was wondering if any of you happen to know if its possible to switch the animations for Power Attack and Critical Strike combat feats with eachother.

The reason im asking is because i hate the Power Attack animation (the mid-air roll) but love the Critical Strike animation. (big hard reckless attack)

Thanks in advance.

I'm pretty sure that the animation references are stored in the Appearance.2da file. Perhaps you could experiment there and let us know how it turns out.

PS: If you're successful, I'd very much like to download that mod :D

Thanks and good luck.
08-14-2004, 7:31 PM
Look at animations.2da. Feats are in the list: unfortunately, they use a 4 letter/number code on which I didn't bother to find out what they mean (just got back from work). I took screenshots of my new Power attack feat but forgot that i had just reinstalled the game and that EnableScreenshots...was not enabled :rolleyes: . I'll post one later.

My new power attack: :D
Screenshot 1 (approach) (
Screenshot 2 (attack) (

That was animation f3a1
08-14-2004, 9:30 PM
Hey Darth that second pic makes it look like you destroyed the two droids with one sweep :D
08-15-2004, 3:56 AM
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, i still dont exactly know what i have to do with that .2da since i never have messed around with those before but ill look around /shrug.

Not like my computer will blow up if i screw up right?....right?...

<Gets a Blue Screen of Death>
08-15-2004, 4:51 AM
Originally posted by Cerasumat
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, i still dont exactly know what i have to do with that .2da since i never have messed around with those before but ill look around /shrug.

Not like my computer will blow up if i screw up right?....right?...

<Gets a Blue Screen of Death>

I've found that I've learned just as much by experimenting as I have by following instructions. Instructions are nice when they're available, but sometime you just have to take it apart to see how it works. If you run into snags, please don't hesitate to ask for help.
08-15-2004, 5:06 AM
True, but all i have accomplished in the last 3 hours is making my party slide accross taris in invisible chairs and make Mission fall on her bum everytime she flourishes her vibroblades :D

This is gonna take awhile, rofl.

EDIT: btw, i like your Republic Heavy Blasters mod.
08-15-2004, 5:08 AM
Originally posted by Cerasumat
True, but all i have accomplished in the last 3 hours is making my party slide accross taris in invisible chairs and make Mission fall on her bum everytime she flourishes her vibroblades :D

Now that's a mod!
08-15-2004, 5:34 AM
Originally posted by Cerasumat
True, but all i have accomplished in the last 3 hours is making my party slide accross taris in invisible chairs and make Mission fall on her bum everytime she flourishes her vibroblades :D

LOL!!! Thats pretty funny! :D

I hope you get the animations figured out.
08-15-2004, 6:55 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
Look at animations.2da. Feats are in the list: unfortunately, they use a 4 letter/number code on which I didn't bother to find out what they mean (just got back from work). I took screenshots of my new Power attack feat but forgot that i had just reinstalled the game and that EnableScreenshots...was not enabled :rolleyes: . I'll post one later.

My new power attack: :D
Screenshot 1 (approach) (
Screenshot 2 (attack) (

That was animation f3a1

Couple of questions:

1. Is there one animation for Power Attack, Improved power attack and Master Power Attack or 3 seperate ones? The second and third have a glowy effect on your hands when you use them so i assume there are 3 different ones?

2. f3a1 is the new animation you have for power attack, but how did you link that animation to power attack itself? is that link somewhere in another .2da file or script? (like combatnaimations.2da)
08-15-2004, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Cerasumat
Couple of questions:

1. Is there one animation for Power Attack, Improved power attack and Master Power Attack or 3 seperate ones? The second and third have a glowy effect on your hands when you use them so i assume there are 3 different ones?

2. f3a1 is the new animation you have for power attack, but how did you link that animation to power attack itself? is that link somewhere in another .2da file or script? (like combatnaimations.2da)
I did this change very quickly. I used animations.2da to make a short cutscene sometime ago (don't look in my mods, it has not been published) but did not really investigated on the meaning of the names ( I am lazy sometimes).

You will see, there is a colunm called "name" in this you have many recognizable names at the beginning, then lower, you will find 4 letter codes. The feats are in these. I suupose the feats are the ones that start with an "f" like f3a1 and maybe (it would be logical) when you have f2a1, f2a2, f2a3 is for feats that have three levels ( I could be wrong on this). You will have to find the line corresponding to the feats you want to change (have fun :p ) and then simply copy/paste the name from another feat . Per example, copy f3a1 and paste it where it says f2a1. Click on another row before saving (or you'll loose all your modifications) and save. Now, I have no idea what row is the power attack. As I said above, I made the screenshots very quickly so I just pasted f3a1 (hoping it was not power attack :rolleyes: ) in many other rows...the sith were also doing the same move with their guns :D

*edit* oh and offensive feats should have 1 in the attack column i suppose so this may help you a little.
08-15-2004, 1:22 PM
Just thought of another problem: there is offcourse a animation for single, double and dual weapons.

Tedious monkeywork!!! :D
08-15-2004, 2:32 PM
Im starting to make a list of what each code does.

Who knows.. i might get it done before KotoR2 gets released! :p
08-15-2004, 3:43 PM
Originally posted by Cerasumat
Im starting to make a list of what each code does.

Who knows.. i might get it done before KotoR2 gets released! :p

Lists lead to references,
references lead to tutorials,
tutorials lead to mods,
mods lead to the Light Side....
08-15-2004, 3:51 PM
Mod is done :D

<gets the warm fuzzy feeling that comes with gaining Light Side points>

EDIT: Ill try to get as much info on the codes in the .2da as possible and make one big final list when im done :)
08-15-2004, 6:29 PM
Good work! and thanks for making a list of the codes :) :thumbsup: We appreciate your efforts and the fact that you share with the community :)

If you want you can make a partial list and update it when you can :)
08-15-2004, 6:41 PM
Originally posted by Cerasumat
EDIT: btw, i like your Republic Heavy Blasters mod.

Just caught that. Thank you!
08-15-2004, 6:56 PM
This is what happens when i have too much time :P
These seem to be all the animations the game uses in normal combat, i might have missed a few here or there though.

EDIT: List moved to first post.
08-15-2004, 7:03 PM
Excellent work. This definitely needs to be added to one of the Stickies.
08-15-2004, 8:26 PM
That was some work! Thanks a lot :) I love to see people making things like this that benefit to all the modding community (just like you do Achill(i)es :D )

I hope you'll continue modding Kotor :) I'll PM T7nowhere about this post :)
08-15-2004, 8:41 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
I'll PM T7nowhere about this post :)

I sent him one as well :D
08-16-2004, 1:24 AM
Wow Cerasumat, nice work on listing the animations! Thanks for sharing! :D
08-17-2004, 1:26 PM
I'm definitely trying this one. I didn't like the power attack either. :)
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