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Merging globalcat.2da files?

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01-23-2005, 10:24 AM
Greets all!

First off, if this has already been answered, please begin throwing pickled herring at me...I'll deserve it. But for the life of me I can't find an answer to this....

I was wanting to play a couple of mods together, mainly the Mekel Recruit Mod and Jabba's Palace (and of course my RedHawke mods staple).

All of these incorporate the globalcat.2da file. Scanning through the entries, I can easily find where the differences are, and thanks to RedHawke, I now know these are global variables.

My question is, if I attempt to 'merge' these (if possible), what all is this going to entail? I imagine there may be some script compiling, but again, this isn't my forte' and though my name suggests, I'm not familiar with this particluar set of .2da files and what's involved in their creation.

Any pointers? What needs to be looked at and changed? Is this possible (surely there's a way)?

Is this just a simple matter of adding lines or are the Line #'s dependant elsewhere (similiar to baseitems.2da and SubType values)?

Again, if this is already answered somewhere, please nudge me in the proper direction and I'll delete this thread if warranted...

and you thought I'd be through with the questions...ha! ;)
01-23-2005, 10:41 AM
This is probably one of the safest .2da files to edit (as long as you don't delete anything).

To merge, just grab the unique entries from each globalcat.2da file and put them all into a single globalcat.2da file. Row numbers don't matter!

It's doubtful that you'll run into two mods that create the same global variable name. If that happens, well those mods are probably going to be incompatible.
01-23-2005, 10:49 AM
Thanks so much tk102!

Indeed, the 'simpler' and safe way is my kind of way... ;)

So as long as the variable's 'name' is different (for the entries), all is kewl..why couldn't all the .2da's be this friendly... heheh
01-23-2005, 9:42 PM
Also of note Xavier2 made his Jabba's palace mod compatible with Redhawke's Ord Mandell which means that the globalcat.2da file is already merged for Redhawke's mods and the Jabba Palace mod. All you would need to merge would be the new Mekel Recruit Mod by Tanesh.
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