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How do I?

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01-21-2005, 4:46 PM
How do I import the 3D models(lightsaber,characters,armor,guns) into Gmax and 3D Studio Max?

Thanks in advance.
01-21-2005, 4:58 PM
You'll want to start here:

What Tools Do You Need To Start Modding - Sticky Thread (

Scroll to Section 3.2.3) Modeling, there you'll find links to the proper tools you'll need. You'll want to look for cchargin's MDLOps. Be sure to read the help files and tutorials included in the file as well as the many helpful threads here at Holowan (models need to be converted to ascii-mdl format in order to be imported, you'll need a special plug-in). ESPECIALLY this thread:

Welcome to the forums! :D
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