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Gamepad Mod for KOTOR 1

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01-16-2005, 10:43 AM
i have a gamepad, and i was wondering if i could play w/ it on kotor 1. for example i was hoping that there would be a mod of some sort. i really do hate playing w/ my keyboard + mouse.

any ideas?
01-16-2005, 10:59 AM
I don't think there's a mod out for this (though I've been wrong plenty of times before ;) )

Does your gamepad come with a mapping program? I have a Gravis Exterminator® ( Gamepad for the pc that came with the drivers and a handy little Keyboard mapping program. It let's me assign Keyboard combinations to the many...many buttons, plus it let's me assign the custom keyboard combos to a particular program so I can map different sets for different games.
GameSets: Program different button and axis settings for each game. Xperience will automatically detect which game is running and load the correct GameSet.

Keyboard Emulation: Assign any button, POV direction or D-pad direction to send a keystroke or key sequence to your game. Primarily for pre-DirectX games, but also useful for programming one button to perform a series of actions.

Axis Control: Choose Between "Joystick", "GamePad", "Keystroke", or "Mouse" mode for each joystick and proportional D-pad, and also adjust their Null Zone, Sensitivity, and Acceleration.

Axis Swapping: For devices with more than one proportional control, choose which axes are assigned to each control: X-Y, U-V, or R-Z.

I haven't used a gamepad in ages, the one I have is a different & older version from the link above (I like mine better), but I would hope some of the newer gamepads have a similiar function? (My gravis pad is several years old, but still works whenever need be)....

Try checking your gamepad's manufacturer site to see if they have such a beast
01-16-2005, 12:39 PM
well i have an xbox, so i bought this xbox to usb converter for my pc. so im using my xbox controller as my gamepad

does are the drivers i use.

and thats the actual link to the converter.

thnx for ur time.
01-16-2005, 1:04 PM
i also found that program you were talking about, but i cant seem to fully understand it dus not letting me map the keys correctly.

heres the link
01-16-2005, 1:29 PM
Originally posted by test
i also found that program you were talking about, but i cant seem to fully understand it dus not letting me map the keys correctly.[/url]
It being a third-party driver is probably where the problem lies to be honest. It's probably meant for a PC gamepad rather than an Xbox converted to PC controller.

Does the X-box controller have a mapping program? If so, I would use it rather than trying third-party progs. It's usually the safer route. I noticed it had stated that it supported up to 8 different configurations, though what exactly it allows you to change or map is a different story...

Also, make sure wether you have to have the controlling program open while you're playing the game. My Gravis Pad turns itself on when the specified program is launched, but some programs might not have this feature...

Worse comes to worse, you might want to look into purchasing a gamepad made specifically for a PC. Conversions are iffy at best, plus you run the risk of signal/quality loss if a port is not self-powered (usb hubs without an AC adapter for example). If you're using an USB port located in your machine, that qualifies as powered so no worries there....
01-17-2005, 4:53 AM
You could try using KeyTweak in "full-teach" or"half-teach" mode to remap your game pad.

Available at my website or via Google.

(If the gamepad is interpreted as a keyboard, it may work for you.)
01-17-2005, 11:47 AM
ty for the response, the link to you're website is down i beleave .

but i will look for it on google, thnx again.

well i found the dl, but you're program dosent pick-up my controller, for ex: when i try to remap key #18 which is W it works fine, but when i press my keypad nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong, or idk.

once again, ty for you're time.
01-17-2005, 11:51 AM
:rolleyes: :fist: Darned ISP.

Fortunately, you can get it at or or or or ...

Edit... just noticed you had listed instead of ... and surprisingly, that makes a difference. My WWW link has been fixed.
(tk102 cleans the off his plate of humble pie and asks for seconds)
01-17-2005, 7:14 PM
You're rebooting afterwards right? It takes a reboot to get the changes in effect.

Also I hope you're not doing it backwards--- you want to map the keypad to the letter W not the other way around...

So in Half-Teach mode, you press the key on your keypad and KeyTweak will (hopefully) register it as a scancode, then you select a key from the dropdown list that you want that to map to...

in Full-Teach mode, you press the button on your keypad to map and then press the button on the keyboard that you want it to map to....

Hope that makes sense. PM me if you have any further problems! :)
01-18-2005, 8:09 AM
unfortunately, yes i did reboot. well i guess my pc does not detect my gamepad as a keyboard. and unfortunately i was doing it correctly. when you click on begin remap, and i press my keypad the program or my pc does not responce.

ty for you're effort anyways, any new ideas?
01-18-2005, 11:34 AM
:( :giveup:
01-18-2005, 2:46 PM
i feel sorta silly, i found a xbox/keyboard emulator sort of like you'res only i guess exclusevely for the xbox controller

its the same place were i got the drivers. im currently configuring all the buttons, hopefully they will work. its kinda hard. lol

thnx for you're time!
01-18-2005, 5:17 PM
For mac users who wish to use a control pad on KotOR, download USB Overdrive X.
It allows you to map the keyboard keys to a pad and assign custom control schemes to individual aps.
It works great with KotOR, once you find a control scheme that suits you.
01-18-2005, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by magnoliafan78
For mac users who wish to use a control pad on KotOR, download USB Overdrive X.
It allows you to map the keyboard keys to a pad and assign custom control schemes to individual aps.
It works great with KotOR, once you find a control scheme that suits you.
Another mac fan/user? :)
In any case, that's a great tip magnoliafan78. Would you mind re-posting this in the following thread as well?

It'd be great if we can keep a list of Mac specific tools over there as well. Thanks for the mac user heads up! :thumbsup:
01-19-2005, 7:46 PM
well the software "ControlMK" works perfectly fine, thnx for all the effort and help. Just wanted to stop by.

heres the link incase you guys would want to check it out,
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