those of you out there who are modders, check this out:
A map which is an Imperial Star Destroyer
the INSIDE of one, like an inside map, with shiny stuff, the elevator shaft, etc.
Please give your thoughts
Sounds good to me. It could be the Reb's main goal to capture the bridge, while the Imp's would defend.
Just be sure not to allow anyone to actually fly the Star Destroyer, lol.
I've been thinking this over and:
-the spawn points could be
-The bridge (Imp)
-The Docking Bay (Reb)
-Storage (Imp)
-Elevator Shaft (Reb)
-Detention Area
-Sewage Area
-Conference Room
Thx for the bridge Idea MandalorianRage, It would be great to have it Bi- or even Tri- Floors, so the Tactics would be more than go down this hallway, shoot...
yea i think that sounds cool!
uhh, I cant try to mod and make this map because I'm not very 1337, and its messes up every time i start zero-editor, so i deleted the tools. So.....I was wondering if you mooders out there can build such a map, i mean it would be uber 1337|\|355!!
Originally posted by PhireStorm
uhh, I cant try to mod and make this map because I'm not very 1337, and its messes up every time i start zero-editor, so i deleted the tools. So.....I was wondering if you mooders out there can build such a map, i mean it would be uber 1337|\|355!!
:eyeraise: 1337. No understando
Wamp-a Wampa
1337 = leet, or knows al lot of stuff about programming, modding, etc
OH lol thanks lost there for a sec
Wamp-a Wampa