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Star Wars Scroller

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01-07-2005, 9:26 PM
Hello all, I would like to include in the beginning of my mod a starwars scrolling text that looks good and is not a java applet, cant seem to figure out to run those and yes i do have jse. I was wondering where I could obtain a utility such as this. Any help would be great.

01-07-2005, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Gsccc
Hello all, I would like to include in the beginning of my mod a starwars scrolling text that looks good and is not a java applet, cant seem to figure out to run those and yes i do have jse. I was wondering where I could obtain a utility such as this. Any help would be great.

Just flying blind here, but is it/would it be the same premise of a cutscene movie? If so, you'd have to edit the scrolling type movie and convert it to whatever format KotOR uses for cutscenes.

I've done countless StarWars scrolls (never for a game however) using anything from FinalCut Pro, Premier and AfterEffects (pro editing software), but I would assume most types of 'Home movie' editing software would have similar features...and if you don't have it already, the StarWars font is just a Google search away :)

If you still wind up having probs, give me a shout and a script and I could probably turn one out for ya' in a pinch ;)
01-08-2005, 4:37 AM
just so your aware: kotor uses the Bink movie format. you can get the tools needed for that at

hope that helps. :)
01-08-2005, 5:58 AM
Are you trying to replace the original KOTOR starting clip with the text, or are you doing something different? If you are, you'd probably have to edit the bink movie file. Perhaps Premier would work? If not, you can use something like Java or perhaps flash. I know Java so if you need a bit of help with that let me know.

Perhaps you could be a bit more specific about what you are trying to do?
01-08-2005, 8:44 AM
Allow me to make my self a bit more clear, as you all know i am making a mod, I know how all the cutscenes work and what they use and how to imput them into the game so i dont need that info. All i need is a link to a place maybe that has that kind of tool that will make a starwars scroller so that i can use it, use FRAPS to record it and make it a movie in the beginning of my mod, i dont want to replace anything. Does anyone know where I can get a utility like this?

01-08-2005, 4:33 PM
Hey Gsccc,

Sorry, what I was talking about was creating the scrolling movie from scratch (with the editing software) and converting it to the Bink movie format (thanks for the link stingerhs :thumbsup: ). You would then create a cutscene movie with the Bink converted one.

I'm not sure if there's a pre-fab type app to create scrolls, but I wouldn't say it doesn't exist either. Flash and Java applications would be your best bet if one exists without having to do it the 'hard' way... :giveup:
01-09-2005, 5:25 AM
Originally posted by Gsccc
Allow me to make my self a bit more clear, as you all know i am making a mod, I know how all the cutscenes work and what they use and how to imput them into the game so i dont need that info. All i need is a link to a place maybe that has that kind of tool that will make a starwars scroller so that i can use it, use FRAPS to record it and make it a movie in the beginning of my mod, i dont want to replace anything. Does anyone know where I can get a utility like this?

-GSCCC Do you have Jedi Outcast or Academy? I know how to alter the beginning scrolling text in those games. Perhaps you could do that and then record it? That would make it look exactly like the movies...
01-09-2005, 8:42 AM
How do i do something like that? is it in one of the Assets?
01-09-2005, 2:27 PM
The text is in the tc_engl.tga file in the menu/video directory in assets0.pk3. It has been a long time since I did it. But IIRC basically it involves creating a mask that outlines the text you want to have. So you'll need photoshop or painshop pro. The biggest pain is lining up all the text and getting the fonts right. You can do a search in the editing section of the Jedi Knight forum. For starters, I think this thread ( has more information.
01-09-2005, 3:42 PM
THanks a Bunch prime you saved me a lot of headaches! So that is now definetely going to be in the beta!
01-09-2005, 5:17 PM
Glad to help. :)
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