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New Mini Mod: Chrono Mod 1.0...

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01-06-2005, 7:14 PM
So I decided to make another mod to add a couple new items to the game (shock: they are Jedi Robes... no one else has modded new robes have they? ;)). Anywho these are based on some of the clothes the main characters wear in Chrono Trigger. Neither of them is grossly overpowered although they're probably better than the Qel Droma robes overall.

Anywho you can download them at my website:
EDIT: Screenshots are over there as well

I'd be interested in what everyone thinks of them (unless you are going to tell me I was somehow unfaithful to the originals: I know that) :p
 Colma Adawin
01-06-2005, 8:40 PM
hey those screenshots look quite good

<clicks download>

i'll try mine tonite, once i get back from work :(:rolleyes:

01-06-2005, 9:09 PM
WOW :eyemouth: Chrono Trigger, Now that Is a game I have not thought of for ages. I remember it was the best rpg of the day( or at least I thought so ;) )

Cool idea, But I think I'll have to google the game just to remember how the npc's were dressed.
01-06-2005, 9:55 PM
Originally posted by T7nowhere
Cool idea, But I think I'll have to google the game just to remember how the npc's were dressed. I added three of the images I used as a reference, so you can take a look at those as well :) The Crono Robe is fairly similar but I had to take a lot of liberties with Marle's robe.
01-07-2005, 2:38 AM
"Holy Rusted Metal Batman."

That looks awesome I can't wait untill sunday now.
01-07-2005, 3:25 AM
Those look...good.

Originally posted by SuperSquall
no one else has modded new robes have they? ;)).

Please tell me you're joking!
That's been done..a few..thousand..times.
Originally posted by Darkkender
"Holy Rusted Metal Batman."

Where do you learn all these?
01-07-2005, 3:33 AM
Originally posted by SuperSquall
I added three of the images I used as a reference, so you can take a look at those as well :) The Crono Robe is fairly similar but I had to take a lot of liberties with Marle's robe.

After looking at the base concept images I would think If you used bastilla's cloths outfit when she is a prisoner as a reference or her default underwear no cloths skin as a base to add your texture to. You might be able to pull off that strapless top marle is wearing admittedly the pants would probably be tough but if you think outside the box it might work.
01-07-2005, 3:47 AM
Looks good :) Keep it up!
 Lorden Darkblade
01-07-2005, 7:24 AM
Great work!
Keep it up :) ;) :cool:
 Renegade Angel
01-07-2005, 9:15 AM
Ugh...*Cough *Sneeze*
*Sniffle* I got sick and had to come home from school early so I tried them and I have 1 comment...*Sneeze*THESE ARE *Cough, Cough* SO COOL!

P.S. I would have never *sniffle, cough, cough* thought of using *Sneeze, cough, cough ,sniffle* outfits from Chrono Trigger.
01-07-2005, 9:31 AM
Originally posted by Darkkender
After looking at the base concept images I would think If you used bastilla's cloths outfit when she is a prisoner as a reference or her default underwear no cloths skin as a base to add your texture to. You might be able to pull off that strapless top marle is wearing admittedly the pants would probably be tough but if you think outside the box it might work. Yeah I thought about those, and I thought about using the darkside female underwear model as a base as well, but the pants and the feet were the stumbling blocks there. I might (*might*) take a crack at tinkering with the 3D models, I think I might be able to do some basic cut and paste stuff to take some of the looser fitting pants from a different model and add them to a decent top half and that'd get the job done. I'd have to smooth out the straps for the bra/shirt/whatever that are in the 3D model - they aren't too noticable but they are there.

And thanks for all the positive feedback everyone :)
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