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is there a way to alter the max level?

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 eternal sage
01-06-2005, 5:07 AM
in other words, change it so that you can get 30 levels instead of just 20? and if so, is there anyway to beef up the amount of xp you get, so that you could actually get all those levels? if anyone has any ideas, give me a yell. thanks!
01-06-2005, 5:11 AM
Originally posted by eternal sage
in other words, change it so that you can get 30 levels instead of just 20? and if so, is there anyway to beef up the amount of xp you get, so that you could actually get all those levels? if anyone has any ideas, give me a yell. thanks!

Let Me introduce you to our friend the search feature here is a sample of what I found when I used it.

Search is at the bottom of your forum screen. your keywords need to be 4 characters or more. I choose level limit for my keywords.
01-06-2005, 6:06 AM
It's not possible. It's hardcoded. The few mods about level cap you may see around do not work.

You can play with the amount of xp however. The easiest way if you don't want to to mod is to use tk102's KSE to give you the amount of xp you want.

You can download KSE here (
01-06-2005, 6:11 AM
Also by editing 2da's you can boost everything that you get when leveling accept Attribute points.
01-06-2005, 6:35 AM
Why not attribute points?:o
01-06-2005, 6:38 AM
Attribute points are a hard coded element believe me I've tried to find a way to add more. Of course a subtle work around is in classes.2da is change the base stats for each character class and then when creating a new character at the beginning of the game choose quick character.
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