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Steps to Creating a World?

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01-04-2005, 5:44 AM
I am interested in creating a world, sort of like RedHawke's Ord Mandell mod, but different... I'd like to use Rakata (Unknown World) as a base for it, but with a different purpose. It would be an Exchange-run world called Phatooine, run by the notorious-yet-lovable gangster Grando Calrissian. :)

I'm serious here.... :D

I have alot of ideas, and I think building a world would be a good way to implement a good lot of them in one single project.

What I'd like to know is where I can find help with the scripting, file mangling, editing, and so forth that would be required to create this mod? Thanks!
01-04-2005, 5:54 AM
I'll be kind but this question is handled by this thread here:
Do you Want to mod SW-KotOR? Then Start here.Mod Tutorials! (

Also useful is this thread:
Guide for the newbie: What tools do I need to mod KotOR ? How to install mods? (

And:List of downloads - Tools and mods (

Thats why we have these stuck threads.

If you need help building this I would be more than glad to lend you a hand. I must say this particular task is one of the most complicated and difficult even for the only person to release a planet so far.(Redhawke)

Might I suggest start small and first build a new area and try your hand at that first and then build onto that once you have the hang of it.
01-04-2005, 5:58 AM
Start reading the stuck threads at the top of the page please:Guide for the newbie: What tools do I need to mod KotOR ? How to install mods? ( and Do you Want to mod SW-KotOR? Then Start here.Mod Tutorials! ( .

You'll find Doom_Dealer's area creation guide in the latter.

Once you have read these threads and if you need clarifications, do not hesitate to post your questions. I am convinced that members here will be happy to answer specific questions you may have concerning area creation.

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