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Problem with Fred's Module Editor

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 Renegade Angel
12-28-2004, 11:55 AM
I'm having a little trouble with the Module Editor.

1. What do I do with all the files it creates while you're making your module???
2. I guessed about the above and I'm pretty sure I was right, but when I go to my module (edited South apartments.) the things I placed there are not there.

Thanks in advance!
12-30-2004, 2:39 AM
Could you be more specific? Maybe someone else knows what you mean, but I really don't know what you're even asking.
 Renegade Angel
01-10-2005, 12:30 PM
1. I place an object on the map
2. A file is placed on my desktop
3. I place all the files in my override except the .git, .ifo, and that last one.(Cant remember what it's called though.)
4. I open KotOR
5. I go to the area I edited.(for example I removed a footlocker and placed a few Enemy NPCs)
5. I go to the spot that was edited with KotOR Tool Module Editor W.I.P.
6. Everything is how it was before using KotOR Tool!
01-11-2005, 4:34 AM
I would honestly send Fred a PM and ask him directly what features of this WIP actually work and how to make use of it as speaking for myself I haven't touched or tried playing with it because it is a Work In Progress.
01-11-2005, 5:56 AM
Your new object has to be attached somewhere. Did you pack your .git .ifo and.are files as a .mod file ( you can include your placeable there too) and put it in your override folder?

If you are trying to simply add a placeable to an existing area however you can use a script to place it. Do not use the area editor since it is just for the creation of new areas.
 Renegade Angel
01-11-2005, 11:39 AM
How do I attach all the placeables and area files into a mod file?
01-11-2005, 11:57 AM
In order to give you the best solution, could you describe exactly what you are trying to do?

Are you making a new module or just adding a placeable in an existing module?

If you are adding a new placeable to an existing module, what are you trying to add and where?
01-11-2005, 12:04 PM
Also I would like to add to what darth333 has inquired about adding items into a mod file would probably best be served by using a ERF editor if you don't have NWNeditor PM me and I'll get you a copy as it will allow you to edit your GFF files within it's ERF editor side.
01-11-2005, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by Darkkender
Also I would like to add to what darth333 has inquired about adding items into a mod file would probably best be served by using a ERF editor if you don't have NWNeditor PM me and I'll get you a copy as it will allow you to edit your GFF files within it's ERF editor side.
Huh? :confused:
You edit GFF files with a GFF editor, not an ERF editor. Normally all you have to do is add your items to the .git file with a GFF editor and then use Kotor tool to pack everything that is module specific as a .mod file. However, depending on what chains wants to do, this may be overkill and a simple script could perhaps do the job.
01-11-2005, 12:42 PM
adding items into a mod file would probably best be served by using a ERF editor KotOR Tool has a great .mod file creator built-in as well as custom .uti editors. Besides you're probably using it anyway if you're extracting the .git etc in the first place. :)
 Renegade Angel
01-11-2005, 1:04 PM
Here's what I have for my module-
1. A few uti and utc files.
2. The 3 module files.
What do I use in KotOR Tool to pack them together into a .mod file?

P.S. Some Questions-
How do I add merchants?
How do I make a hostile NPC attack me?
(I have the .utc file from KotOR Tool already made so would I need a script?)
01-11-2005, 5:10 PM
Originally posted by Chains
P.S. Some Questions-
How do I add merchants?
How do I make a hostile NPC attack me?
(I have the .utc file from KotOR Tool already made so would I need a script?)

Okay a merchant is of course a creature with a utc file. To create his inventory you want to write a utm file this will be the merchants inventory. then write a dialogue for your merchant and a script that will launch your merchant inventory should be attached to the dialogue.
01-12-2005, 5:10 AM
Originally posted by Chains
Here's what I have for my module-
1. A few uti and utc files.
2. The 3 module files.
What do I use in KotOR Tool to pack them together into a .mod file? Did you read Doom_Dealer's tutorial on area creation? It's right here (

P.S. Some Questions-
How do I add merchants?
In the dlg file with the merchant, attach the following script when you want to open the store:
void main()
object oStore = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_STORE,"my_store_template",GetLocation(GetFirstPC()));
AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), OpenStore(oStore, GetFirstPC()));
to add your own stuff to the store, check this document ( .

How do I make a hostile NPC attack me?
(I have the .utc file from KotOR Tool already made so would I need a script?)
It depends what you want to do. If you want an npc that will be hostile right when you enter the area, then just change the factionID in the .utc file from 5 to 1. If you want your npc to become hostile only after an event , such as after talking to him, then use the following script and attach it to the dialogue.:
void main()
object oTarget=GetObjectByTag("insert_npc_tag");
ChangeToStandardFaction (oTarget, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1);

Note that all the above was easily accessible in the "Do you want to mod sw-kotor, then start here" sticky. PLease take some time to read the topics there and before everything, I suggest you follow Doom_dealer's tutorial.
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