A simple question: How do i increse and decreese the alpha channel on my pictures (i use photoshop 8.0)
Originally posted by Y4mama
A simple question: How do i increse and decreese the alpha channel on my pictures (i use photoshop 8.0)
Open the texture you want to edit. In the main panel, go to windows and choose chanels. There you will see the all chanels. Likely there will be a option called Alpha 1.
All you will have to do is to paint the correspondent parts of your texture in the alpha channel in any tones of black. Black stands for how shiny the parts of the texture will be. Therefore white means no shine at all.
Open for example the texture for the soldier outfit (PMBBL.tga) look for its alpha chanel and you will see how the developers made this tones of shine work.
Good luck.:)
Or use levels
Ctrl + L and adjust the sliders to give you want you want
set the black or white point by clicking on either black or white I-dropper tools and clicking your image where you want dark grey to be black or off white to be white if you are going for extreme contrast. If not just move the sliders around until it is at a level your happy with.