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Darkside Choker

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 Renegade Angel
12-24-2004, 6:28 AM
I'm making an enhanced version of the Darkside Choker for my new Darkside Item Pack. For some reason when I equipt it, it is not usable ( it's not on the list where armbands go.) is this possible to fix with KotOR Tool?

No, No, No...Too confusing...:wstupid:

Basicly what I mean is: is it possible to make my armband usable like the Darkside Choker with KotOR Tool? (I already gave it the property of Activate Item:Force Kill or whatever it's called.)
12-24-2004, 6:31 AM
No, you need to edit spells.2da, you need to make a custom script and you need to edit the .utc file....and you need tk102's permission.

Check the "Do you want to mod sw-kotor" sticky for tutorials.

Also note that you r mod will be incompatible with all the other force powers released until now unless you take this into consideration when you edit the spells.2da file.
 Renegade Angel
12-24-2004, 6:39 AM
Oh well.:giveup:
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