The downside here is that my JASC has ran up on the trial lol.
You should look into the open source program "The Gimp". It is what I use for the few mods I have made. It is totally free. Although it is not the power house that Photoshop is, it has everything you need for image editing.
I should also warn you that sometimes the windows versions are a little buggy, so save often.
Using cchargin's tool for lightsaber stuff is a little more advanced then i thought.
Whatever you find confusing about MDLOps let me know. I try to make it simple (few buttons), but I also know that after working on a project for a long time you tend to lose the eye for what will be confusing to someone running the program for the first time.
Well, considering cchargin made the tool, I think his tutorial's going to be the best around.
heh. Even though I call it a tutorial it is really just a quick and dirty set of steps to get a hilt compiled. It really does need to be made more user friendly. But I guess in this case "the only thing around" = "the best around" :)
As for modeling and such the 2 most common problems that I hear about are:
1) If you are using gmax/nwmax make sure to launch using the nwmax icon on your desktop. This will make sure that nwmax/gmax can export ascii models.
2) Make sure your hilt is linked to the correct dummy object. And remember that the order in which you use the link tool is VERY important!
And of course if you get stuck there are plenty of people here who can help out. Heck sometimes this place feels like my tech support group. I see forum members answering MDLOps questions before I get a chance to! Thanks guys! :thmbup1: