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Need Tool for hilts

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 Renegade Angel
12-16-2004, 9:48 AM
I need an easy to understand tool or something besides max/3dmax that will allow me to create custom hilts..I got all kinds of hilt drawings in my notebook from school!!!:rolleyes:
Me..not pay
12-16-2004, 10:01 AM
Why not just check svosh's tutorials? They make Gmax seem really simple, at least I thought so.
12-16-2004, 10:06 AM
Amen brother Moh - noh. Much easier for you to learn GMAX than it is to create a brand new 3D Model Editor (which someone else will then think is too difficult to use).
12-16-2004, 10:24 AM
not to sound extremely stupid, or needy, but i keep getting a 404 Error with the search.

Is there a site and/or link to a "make your own saber hilt" tutorial? if i could get my hands on it, i could make alot of cool hilts :)

--bobo:c3po: :r2d2: :smilsab
12-16-2004, 10:26 AM
Check the sticky " Do you want to mod sw-kotor? then start here" at the top of the page. And If you keep gettting an error 404 when you search , it's probalby something with your browser.
12-16-2004, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Master Bobo
not to sound extremely stupid, or needy, but i keep getting a 404 Error with the search.

Is there a site and/or link to a "make your own saber hilt" tutorial? if i could get my hands on it, i could make alot of cool hilts :)

--bobo:c3po: :r2d2: :smilsab

Well, in just a few words:
(1) Start by making an 8 sided N-gon in Gmax
(2) Go to the modifier tab, find the "extrude" modifier and use it on your Ngon, you should see the octogon "fill in".
(3) Right click your octogon and select "Convert to Editable Mesh."
(4) Now, go back the modifier tab, find "Editable Mesh" click the plus next to it, and press "polygon."
(5) Press F2.
(6) Now, click on one of the faces on your octogon, it should light up red if you pressed F2 in the last step.
(7) Find the "extrude" tab under Editable Mesh and click it. Drag the mouse and you should see your octogon stretch into a cylinder.
(8) You can continue using extrudes and then use move rotate and scale on faces to get some cool designs for a hilt. I just showed you how to make the basic cylinder. Svosh actually said once that the default KotOR saber was made in this very way. :) Same way I've modeled all of my guns too. (Well, I didn't start with a cylinder but it's the same concept.) Svosh calls this box modeling. :)
12-16-2004, 12:12 PM
Thank you Darth333, i had forgot about that thread, even when it was the thread that brought me to this forum.

And Mono, great info, this is going to be extremely helpful :)
12-16-2004, 7:06 PM
Beat me too it Mono. Basically that is it,
see this thread for your 3d modeling tool needs

My the last post elaborates on monos very helpful post as well
I filled in a few details here and there

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