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Saber Hilt Modeling Help

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12-14-2004, 11:02 AM
Hi guys,

I might be beating a dead dog here, but I've been looking over the posts for modeling help, and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for.

I've created a new lightsaber hilt, by hand. No importing of an ingame model or anything. I grabbed the dimensions of an ingame model for reference, and then started a new file and had at it.

Here lies my problem. I've been reading the Tutorials and such that you can get off TurboSquid's site and none of them can tell me where to go from here. I've created the hilt, attached all the pieces, converted to an editable mesh... and now I'm stuck.

I keep reading about "Aurora Bases" but I have no idea what that is or what it's purpose is... Here is a screenie of what I've done. No more, no less... where do I go from here?!

Pic of Saber Hilt WITHOUT edges turned on (

Saber Hilt WITH edges turned on (

12-14-2004, 11:37 AM
you will need to important an orignal saber file into your scene(well it's easy to anyway) the auroa base is the green box in the scene, then open the replacer tut. that came with mdlops 4.1 and it will guide you through the rest of the process. btw, i dont know for sure, but i was told by someone who i trust, that saber hilts have to come from one solid piece in order to work properly, sop you may have to start over:( but like i said i nevered tried a mulit piece mesh, hope this helps, if it doesnt post back exactly what you did from start to finish
12-14-2004, 11:50 AM
If it is a multi-mesh, you should be able to use the Attach function I think...

BTW, everything you need to know is covered in the MDL Ops readme. :)
12-14-2004, 12:18 PM
Ok, opened the Replacer Tut... never saw that one... (was hidden in Gmax's root directory...)

Figured out how to import my mesh into a model ripped from the game...

Will try to follow replacer Tut... and will report back my findings..

Thanks a bunch guys...
12-14-2004, 3:50 PM
From what ive understood from the Professionals here, such as Darth333, Making an entire new Model to an animated Item is impossible, that it would not work properly, and Lightsabers were Animated.

Unless someone finally figured out how to fix this problem and im just way behind the news, its impossible.

but, someone might have got past it. otherwise, nice job lol.

but seriously nice job anyway, looks like a more advanced and flashy version of our current models ingame
12-14-2004, 4:42 PM
I've got it to work guys, thanks for the help...

And from what I've seen, the saber's not animated... the model never changes upon activating it... just the bitmap of the light blade appears... the hilt doesn't animate...

Seprithro, much appreciative... just gotta scale it down to fit my character's hand and give it a skin.. the ingame trial worked!

You guys are awesome...

In Game Pics:
Hilt Picture 1 (
Hilt Picture 2 (
12-14-2004, 4:48 PM
Well the blade is the animated part.

but on otherhand ive discovered Saber hilts are makeable now.


12-14-2004, 4:51 PM
I realized that the hilt of mine needs to be held a little lower and the blade needs to be brought out a bit...

I edited my previous post to include pics
12-14-2004, 5:11 PM
i noticed in pic one the bottom half could loose a few pounds and shortended a bit. but thats my opinion! :) its still a uber job.

keep it up! :D
12-14-2004, 6:32 PM

And from what I've seen, the saber's not animated... the model never changes upon activating it... just the bitmap of the light blade appears... the hilt doesn't animate...

Actually only the blade meshes are animated. It is just that the animation that they use is not supported by gmax/nwmax. I am pretty sure it is a non-uniform scale animation.
12-15-2004, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by cchargin
I am pretty sure it is a non-uniform scale animation.

I'll Pretend I know what that means....

Anyway, Great Job! You should release it!

12-15-2004, 3:48 AM
Originally posted by Master Bobo
Unless someone finally figured out how to fix this problem and im just way behind the news, its impossible.

but, someone might have got past it. otherwise, nice job lol.

Oh, you are way behind the news :D
Just look at the latest posts!
12-15-2004, 5:29 AM
Originally posted by Piece of metal
Oh, you are way behind the news :D
Just look at the latest posts!

You know you really should read further down the thread where Master Bobo made comment that he discovered he was wrong. :p

infact padawan it was his second post on this thread that he corrects himself.
but on otherhand ive discovered Saber hilts are makeable now.

It's ok though we understand.:D
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