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Party Dialogue Global Variables for KSE

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12-13-2004, 9:35 AM
Is party dialogue totally level controlled?

Essentially, I reached level 20 before one character told me everything, and I'm trying to find out how I can get the last conversation from them to trigger their sidequest, so I can get them all in.

If it's not entirely level controlled, anyone know what global variable tells which NPC that they can tell the PC more stuff again?
12-13-2004, 9:41 AM
Originally posted by Jennaida
Is party dialogue totally level controlled?

Essentially, I reached level 20 before one character told me everything, and I'm trying to find out how I can get the last conversation from them to trigger their sidequest, so I can get them all in.

If it's not entirely level controlled, anyone know what global variable tells which NPC that they can tell the PC more stuff again?

Check the scripts called k_swg_blabla.nss. With tk102's KSE you should be able to change the variables. I once unlocked some additional dialogue with Juhani :D
12-13-2004, 9:51 AM
Interesting, since that's one of the k_swg_ files that I couldn't find... hrm. *digs more*

That's partly why I wondered if someone had compiled a list of the variables and what they do, somewhere. It would be wonderful for everyone who uses KSE :)

Edit: I now see a G_JuhaniH_state and g_juhanip_state... hrm.
12-13-2004, 10:14 AM
This is what I do:

1) Extract the .dlg file for the character. For your party NPCs, this is k_hXXX_dialog.dlg in templates.bif where XXX is the first 3 letters of the NPCs' name (or hkd or t3d for HK-47, T3-M4).

2) Open up the .dlg file in your favorite dialog editor and look for the Conditional scripts that determine when a dialog will be spoken.

3) Extract said conditional script (usually in scripts.bif) and look at its contents. The script will typically be checking to see whether a global variable is a certain value.

4) You can stop here and use KSE if you like. Or if you're wondering where that value actually gets set, you can dig further using FindRefs or KT to search for other scripts that contain that Global. It takes awhile.
12-13-2004, 2:48 PM
Originally posted by tk102
This is what I do:
4) You can stop here and use KSE if you like. Or if you're wondering where that value actually gets set, you can dig further using FindRefs or KT to search for other scripts that contain that Global. It takes awhile.

Yeah but it sure is fun to do this.:D *thought to self -- no wonder I'm single*
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