well it's not my best work, or my most tastefull for that matter, ;) but here is a brand new fully animated player model :D
at least it's good for a laugh :D screenie (
.......that carth what a dog! but seriously, at least this is a step in the right direction, at least now i know what a can do to edit models
Lol well at least it's good for a laugh. :D
LOL.... I didn't think Carth went through puberty yet.
LOL! That was great man :D
I hope you release it so we can play as pregnant Revan :D
Yeah, a good laugh..
And now that we can this, we can make...umm..well, better stuff!
Just think of obsidian:
"Hah, those primitive gamers have learned how to create new body models..Interesting."
Now when you can do something like that make a new cool model and add malaks animations? Or shape him if you someday can.
Propably in time you wouold shape malak? change his form a bit and maybe make him smaller or something MAYBE even make him pregnant?? :D xD :D
That was........disturbing.....lol.
Great work on the body modeling.
You know that screenie would have been even better with her maybe force choking vandar or something to go with the flavor text.
Sweet stuff, you've made my day bud :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Ok....VERY disturbing so who does Revan have a crush on??? ;)
:lol: :rofl: :lol:
Pretty funny yet disturbing.
Has anyone been able to make new animations and get them in game........always wanted to animate but I can't afford the tools + Gmax sucks for that sort of thing.
Originally posted by Fearless_Jedi
Has anyone been able to make new animations and get them in game........always wanted to animate but I can't afford the tools + Gmax sucks for that sort of thing.
Not too my knowledge as of yet. The ability to effect model changes is still brand new for us. Cchargrin has been working diligently to expand and make it easier for all to change and add models however he still has some roadblocks in front of him and this would be one.