Originally posted by Darth Omegacron
Nope. Maybe that's where the problem lies. I was using MDL files included with various mods, since they're already extracted and I can just pull them straight out of the zip.
I'm a noobie at this (obviously) and I just need to import a model or two to get my feel around Gmax.
Shouldn't I be able to just import a compiled MDL file that's sitting in a folder somewhere?
I don't believe so. I too am rather new to the modeling experience, but I believe once the model is finished being tweaked through GMAX..you have to re-compile (export)the model...therefore it puts you back in the same boat as before. Sorry, I wish we could do that...it'd make my life easier ;)
Please anyone correct me if I'm wrong, I am a modeling doofus :confused: and if there's a way you CAN do this...I'd like to know too..
try this link, it may help with some of your problems: