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After ending mod (allows play after end)

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 Juha Avery
12-06-2004, 7:09 AM
Where can i find the mod that allows me to play the game even when i have played the game thru, please i need it. I know its buggy and it might cause some problems but still. Tell me someone!?
12-06-2004, 8:20 AM
I believe you want ROTJ - Reign of the Sith by gsccc on this sticky

just scroll down the list of all those great mods & modders
12-06-2004, 8:55 AM
Eh, Darkkender, ROTJ is a movie.... :D
 Juha Avery
12-06-2004, 9:19 AM
No no no no no and nooo, i do appreciate telling about that mod, but let me tell you a little story: Once upon a time there was this lil' modder who created a mod that just allows you to play wherever you want after you have killed malak.
12-06-2004, 9:20 AM
Originally posted by Mono_Giganto
Eh, Darkkender, ROTJ is a movie.... :D

arrghh...The Giant Monkey of Doomness™ beat me too it! :fist: :D
12-06-2004, 11:04 AM
I think I found what you are looking for:

and btw, I think the search function is back for everyone now ;)
 Juha Avery
12-07-2004, 2:58 AM
Thanks Darth333 I really appreciate the help.

YOu guys know that does the kotor 2 reguire pixel shader cause if it does i need to buy a new 3d card :D
12-08-2004, 8:37 AM
Originally posted by Juha Avery
YOu guys know that does the kotor 2 reguire pixel shader cause if it does i need to buy a new 3d card :D

I'm not sure what you said, but I believe the answer is "no".
12-08-2004, 9:10 AM
Originally posted by CaptainSkye
I'm not sure what you said, but I believe the answer is "no".

[HK-47] TRANSLATION: Do you guys know if Kotor 2 will require a pixel shader? If so, I'll need to buy a new 3-D card.

There is a 98% chance this is the correct translation. The other 2% is this person is looking for trouble and we should blast him. Shall we Master?[/HK-47] ;) :D
12-08-2004, 9:49 AM
Originally posted by ChAiNz
[HK-47] TRANSLATION: Do you guys know if Kotor 2 will require a pixel shader? If so, I'll need to buy a new 3-D card.

There is a 98% chance this is the correct translation. The other 2% is this person is looking for trouble and we should blast him. Shall we Master?[/HK-47] ;) :D

[REVAN]I Believe it is the other 2% HK you know what to do. KILL HIM HK

[HK-47]With Pleasure MasterCOMBAT MODE ACTIVE:blaze6:

Consider the Above a JOKE and not a serious statement. If any offense is taken I apologize
 Juha Avery
12-11-2004, 2:50 AM
well oh my oh my aint my thread popular xD

So then i dont need to buy a new 3d card (maybe i do) but i need to buy ram thats for sure.
12-11-2004, 3:26 AM
Eh, Darkkender, you might want to drop the colorfulness out of your last post, you're going to make someone pass out... :p

I've seen it done with an overly-colored Powerpoint too...
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