Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Kotorfiles Up on 8th

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12-05-2004, 12:33 AM
With hope kotorfiles will be up any time from today till the eighth of december, may i remind you we need YOUR MODS submit them here, and you can email me at no e-mail posting
12-05-2004, 2:26 AM
Also, you can post here for permission if you have a website whith all your mods
12-05-2004, 2:40 AM
Registered aug 2004? What does this mean?
12-05-2004, 2:43 AM
That means he signed up at LucasForums in "August 2004".

12-05-2004, 3:08 AM
I know, but he's only got 4 posts!!?? :confused:
12-05-2004, 4:19 AM
He only posts updates about, and the site was started in august, but is coming out now.
12-05-2004, 4:44 AM
you got that spot on :-)
12-05-2004, 6:17 AM
We have a sticky for hosting sites.
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