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Kotor editing tools

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 Renegade Angel
12-01-2004, 2:16 PM
Is it possible for anyone to make a editing tool/savegame editor/module editor?

KSE gives me an error when I edit my inventory.

KT gives me an unexpected error and when I try to continue the menu is blank.

KT WIP module editor dosent give me problems but I cant understand some things and it only has 2 maps

No offense, all these tools are great (Id give em all 10/10!) but they give me some errors.

Over and out!
Chains :sithk:
12-01-2004, 2:24 PM
Is it possible for anyone to make a editing tool/savegame editor/module editor?

Nope. Not possible. Sorry.
12-01-2004, 4:11 PM
Why would anyone make new editors just because one person can't use the excellent ones we already have?

Try a reinstall of windows. Or a format.
12-01-2004, 4:48 PM
I also consider that the public for a save game editor and an editing toolset may be different. The Save game editor reaches a borader audience which is not necessarily interested in modding the game.
12-01-2004, 5:05 PM
Originally posted by Chains
Is it possible for anyone to make a editing tool/savegame editor/module editor?
Don't we allready have most/all of these tools? :confused:
Originally posted by Chains
KSE gives me an error when I edit my inventory.
It does this sometimes when you try to mess around with modded items, try adding different items.
Originally posted by Chains
KT gives me an unexpected error and when I try to continue the menu is blank.
You have to have the MS .Net Framework installed, and when exactly does it give you this error?

If it is crashing when opening up certain older modded items/files that will happen, because the items/files could have been made with a GFF editor and are out of the ranges KT can handle.
Originally posted by Chains
KT WIP module editor dosent give me problems but I cant understand some things and it only has 2 maps
:eyeraise: Uh... you do know what WIP means? Right?

W = Work
I = In
P = Progress

That generally means the program is not done yet...
Originally posted by Chains
No offense, all these tools are great (Id give em all 10/10!) but they give me some errors.
These tools are quite capable of having errors, especially when 9 times out of 10 it is the end user causing them by not reading readme files, installation instructions, trying to open unsupported file formats, etc.

Yes they have some hiccups, as would any other tool program that doesn't have any "official support" from a game company.
12-01-2004, 5:13 PM
Originally posted by RedHawke

Yes they have some hiccups, as would any other tool program that doesn't have any "official support" from a game company.
:rolleyes: but Windows has that too :compcry:

and since this is going nowhere... locked!

edit" as Redhawke said, start reading the readmes, you should find a solution to some of your problems and an explanation of what you can do and can't do. If after this you have specific questions, please ask them in the approrpiate thread:

Kotor tool:

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