YaY! My first complaint/abusing power thread!
Here's why I closed his/hers/its thread.
From SWBF.net CoC: (
Thou shalt not spam! Spamming is defined as the practice of making irrelevant posts with no substance, only smileys, or a combination of the aforementioned. Again, this rule will be enforced heavily in all forums. SWBF.net Staff reserve the right to delete or close spammy posts and threads at their discretion.
As always, try to make good threads. Avoid spammy topics, and word your thread's topic so everyone will understand what it is meant to discuss. Avoid duplicating threads. If there's a thread open that is or is very close to the topic of a thread you want to create, post in that thread.
Oh and here's a little rule you broke when you created this thread.
From SWBF.net CoC: (
Create new threads in the appropriate forums. News and discussion relating to SW: Battlefront should be placed in Star Wars Battlefront, off-topic threads in The Sliced Tauntaun, and so on. If a topic is created in the wrong forum, the moderators will move it. Not a big deal, but just make things easy.
And yes, I'm only a Moderator. I can't ban users yet... I'll have to peform more sexual favors to get to that level.