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why did i only find out about JA this week?

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 dark lord rowan
10-31-2004, 6:11 AM
hey all, im a n00b. as the heading suggests: why did i only find out about jedi academy last week? i went into EB and asked if they had outcast. the guy said no but they have academy.. and it is ony $10!!!!! i quickly got the demo and its awesome, so im buying it as soon as i can. hope i don't forget about this forum and hopefully ill see you all back soon

10-31-2004, 6:20 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

 dark lord rowan
10-31-2004, 6:33 AM
sorry!! you better forgive me... i have a year of playing to catch up so i probably won't be here much hahah. i've been looking for a place with mods and tweaks. i know its based on the Q3a engine, and i used to have heaps of tweaks for that but they're all different now. i've tried looking on this forum, but i've only been able to find people repeating themselves, so, any help???
 Amidala from Chop Shop
10-31-2004, 6:56 AM
Originally posted by dark lord rowan
...why did i only find out about jedi academy last week?

I hope it's nice and cozy under that rock you've been living under ;)

Originally posted by dark lord rowan
sorry!! you better forgive me... i have a year of playing to catch up so i probably won't be here much hahah. i've been looking for a place with mods and tweaks. i know its based on the Q3a engine, and i used to have heaps of tweaks for that but they're all different now. i've tried looking on this forum, but i've only been able to find people repeating themselves, so, any help???

For "mods and tweaks", try these places

And BTW, your original instincts were good: buy and play Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast first, then play Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Certain things in JA will make more sense if you have played JK2 before JA. They are both worth playing, so you should play JK2 first.
10-31-2004, 7:18 AM
Yeah. I rented Outcast on my Game Cube before getting Academy on PC.
10-31-2004, 10:41 AM
oh my god you mist a lot of evrything then :eek:
 Sam Fisher
10-31-2004, 11:45 AM
Hmm... well, just about every gaming site, store and otherwise was really excited about Academy for a long time, and it came out last year.

Where have you been?
10-31-2004, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Sam Fisher
Hmm... well, just about every gaming site, store and otherwise was really excited about Academy for a long time, and it came out last year.

Where have you been?

Hes been avoiding crap games. :xp:

*Runs before rocks at thrown*
 Sam Fisher
10-31-2004, 12:21 PM
Well, they did good on the dueling, but the SP story is really weak.
10-31-2004, 12:34 PM
*Shoots Pal(tm) before he leaves the thread with a stouker concussion rifle.
 Sam Fisher
10-31-2004, 5:35 PM
The JK one, not the pansy JA one :D

You want power.
10-31-2004, 8:34 PM
Originally posted by LukeKatarn
*Shoots Pal(tm) before he leaves the thread with a stouker concussion rifle.
 dark lord rowan
10-31-2004, 10:20 PM
wow, i just proved that i am a n00b. haha. i had no idea it was out even though i read gaming sites most days. oh well.
those stouker concussion rifles are awesome, where can i get myself one, by the way?
 Druid Bremen
11-01-2004, 1:45 AM
Pick one up.
 dark lord rowan
11-01-2004, 3:23 AM
haha, nooo, i mean i want to buy one! they're awesome!

oh, what... its only a game? :(
 Druid Bremen
11-01-2004, 4:55 AM
Its just a game lol.

Oh and, don't call yourself a n00b, because you'll be one if you do.
 dark lord rowan
11-01-2004, 5:00 AM
i know. i way too tired to think properly. if i call myself a n00b though, flamers have nothing bad to say though because that seems to be the only comment the have. plus, for the time being, i am one... i've only played the demo and i've played it to death, its so ****ing boring!!
11-01-2004, 5:32 AM
Originally posted by Rumor I'm no n00b. If you call someone who isn't a n00b a n00b, then you are a n00b. Just look at my registration date, and I am NOT a n00b to JA! Rumor, you just called yourself a n00b by calling me a n00b when I'm not.:D
 dark lord rowan
11-01-2004, 5:39 AM
holy **** lukekatarn... you 've done around 1500 posts in 8 months!! don't forget to go outside and stand up once in a while :D i've been on the metallica club forums over a year, and i haven't even got 800! still... 800 shows i should get more hobbies haha.
11-01-2004, 7:29 AM
Originally posted by LukeKatarn
I'm no n00b. If you call someone who isn't a n00b a n00b, then you are a n00b. Just look at my registration date, and I am NOT a n00b to JA! Rumor, you just called yourself a n00b by calling me a n00b when I'm not.:D And round and round we go!
11-01-2004, 11:43 AM
11-01-2004, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by dark lord rowan
holy **** lukekatarn... you 've done around 1500 posts in 8 months!! don't forget to go outside and stand up once in a while :D i've been on the metallica club forums over a year, and i haven't even got 800! still... 800 shows i should get more hobbies haha. It really was easy. I just find topics that sound intresting, and post. I also perticipate in the RPGs. It is quite fun.
 dark lord rowan
11-02-2004, 2:14 AM
i finally got it!!
the demo ran much better though, for some reason. it takes ages to load, and it sometimes goes choppy and can't load save games. anyone have an idea how to fix that? i'm about to go look for an update for it so hopefully that will fix it. its pretty damn cool too.
11-02-2004, 5:08 AM
Get a better cpu. It did that to me forever, once I got a new cpu it was ALL BETTER! It barly took ANY time to load even MULTIPLAYER then. Also about my post count, I was even gone for about two monthes. I think I broke the Lucas Forums record.:D
 dark lord rowan
11-02-2004, 5:20 AM
i figured it out. the textures were on very high, so i put them to high and its fine now! the games pretty cool. at the moment kyle has gone to look for that dickhead and i just pwned hoth haha. its a very cool game. night all!
11-02-2004, 5:30 AM
Yeah I hate Rosh. The game SUX exept for the ending if you KILL ROSH! Because everyone fights you, exept it's better in teh end because you only have to fight Tavion once. Then on padawan it's fun because kyle doesn't fight back and you can BEAT THE CRAP out of him.
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