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Fix Imperial Rocket Launchers...or The Troop!

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 Capt. Kain
10-29-2004, 12:49 PM
I just got off Bespin Platforms level and I was not impressed.
I was Imp Rocket Launcjer Trooper and my rockets werent hitting X-Wings at all!!!!!!
I was zoned in on them (Had two lines going on them with LOCKED sounds ringing) and they all missed. Three of them were locked on and firing at a X-Wing landing. Rocket got close then flew around the darn Xwing in circles(while he was IN the ship I mean)?

11-01-2004, 12:25 PM
All the missile launchers have horrible tracking, not just the Imperial.

Tip: Missile launchers are not good against ships, except maybe the Republic Gunship and MAF. On Bespin: Platforms, use the anti-air turrets.
 Capt. Kain
11-01-2004, 3:18 PM
LOL, Well I have been able to hit before. I know fighters can out do rockets by being faster and just curving around a bldg or mountain for rocket to hit instead. But, myself being one platform away from a twin pod cloud car that is flying at slowest speed while he/she tries to laser camp players at a CP. Thats just ridiculous.
I agree with you on what ya said, but ya have to agree that it is something they should "balance" with common sense reality.
11-01-2004, 3:54 PM
Yeah, this bothers me too. Add it to the fact that it takes so many missiles to destroy a ship... I put it in my missile launcher issues post in the game feedback forum.
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