Hi everyone,
I started a new project and i'm looking for modellers, skinners and another mapper, so far we have Sith-j-cull, Orbitius, Lindsey ,Nexus , Zappa_0 , me0is0jade, Gaspard and [JEDI]Adam in the team.
The Project is all about Xmas , Xmas maps, skins/models everything you can think of will be xmas themed, this project will be a gift to the JA/JK2 Community, and we planning on making a day and night FFA map, and if possible a map for every gametype, duel , capture the flag and siege aswell, but we need more mappers for that! also we need more modellers to help with vehicles,models and other objects like weapons and map objects.also we working on making xmas skins/models doing a xmas version of each species and maybe more!we doing this big!
If your interested, go to
www.jk3xmasteam.tk) and post on the forum or contact me at vas_buffy@hotmail.com or
Thanks for listining,
Greetings *VaS*Buffy