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get around 3d card req't???

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10-19-2004, 6:59 PM
I went cheap and bought the Inspiron 1150 about 4 months ago and it has an internal 64mb video card but it doesn't have the 3D requirement for Battlefront. Does anybody know of a way to get around it, I would really like to play the game on my laptop??
10-20-2004, 10:11 PM
I kind of hate to say this but I do not think there is a way of getting around it.. 3D is required and if the card does not have it then you wont be able to play.

11-04-2004, 2:08 PM
yup, i had the same thing in my HP desktop i got from bestbuy. StarWars requires TnL, a 3d feature, to run. The game would NOT run on the 3d card no matter what i did. So i broke down and got an ati 8500 from ebay for 40 bucks, 30 dollars + 10 dollars shipping, pretty good deal if you ask me. Game runs pretty decent, could be better with framerate, etc, but it's better than paying a few hundred for one of the newer cards!

Looks like your stuck though, since laptops are hardly upgradeable (just the ram and hd pretty much). Just get yourself a nice desktop with a decent graphics card, and you'll play most any of the games that are out today. You'll be happy you did trust me :)
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