I used to always host on the Zone, hey is this game still on the zone? Where is the best place to play?
But yea anyways I need to know how to host a game using the ingame function
well if you know how to read your yust fine but ok not evryone has that skill
you open the MP JKA game
you press the create game button
you look at the options max:players force powers weapons etc...
and then you do create game and thats it :eek:
yes i know its nuthing :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Nokill
well if you know how to read your yust fine but ok not evryone has that skill
you open the MP JKA game
you press the create game button
you look at the options max:players force powers weapons etc...
and then you do create game and thats it :eek:
yes i know its nuthing :rolleyes:
I do this and wait and wait and no one joins. I assume its due to my Firewall, but how do I host a game using a specific port. For example I see a game with IP ADDRESS:PORT, how do I specify what port I want my game on so I can open it up on my firewall?
I don't think the MSN Gaming zone supports this game. There is really no reason to, since the majority of the servers are dedicated via linux (micro$oft's enemy!) and there is an in-game browser, that is at least adequate (though not as nice as qtracker or ASE).
I thought that Jedi Outcast was listed on the Zone but was removed due to lack of use. I could be wrong though, I haven't been there in years...
So you just host an MP game in the console then wait for people to show up?