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Model moving/floating

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10-01-2004, 4:59 AM
Hi, i want to move/floating a misc_model in my map for example a twinpod. If i do func_bobbing or func_train i always get an error:
Error: SV_SetBrushModel: NULL
How can i float a model?
 Lil Killa
10-01-2004, 9:57 PM
for the func_bobing one..

Take the clip brushes for the mdoel and make them your func_bobing. Then deselect everything. Next select the model and then the func_bobing and press ctrl+K and a line should appear between the two. Now put the model inside the clip brushes as where you place the model in the editor is where the model shows up in-game.

Have fun :D
10-02-2004, 1:16 AM
still says the error
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