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How to complete Carth's romance now...

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09-29-2004, 4:38 PM
I've been doing a playthrough as of late simply to get the chance to kill Carth in the end of his darkside romance.

Apparently I missed a dialog, and i'm not in the mood to play again... Does anyone know a way I could use a savegame editor to change the globals to make the game think I completed the romance or those dialogs?
09-29-2004, 5:24 PM
I am not sure but try with this:
g_carth_revtalk =true
09-29-2004, 6:20 PM
One trip through the Star Forge, and nothing. These globals caught my eye...
Anything you can tell me?
09-29-2004, 6:41 PM
Would have to check the code
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