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Ports etc.

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09-25-2004, 12:02 PM
I am a student in halls, to be able to play online i need to e-mail the central server and (assuming they wont mind) get them to open the ports the game needs. Unfourtanately i dont know what ports the game needs for the internet. Anyone help?
09-25-2004, 6:16 PM
You need ports 6500, and 3659 and 3658.

Gamespy also needs 27900 if you are planning to host games.

Good luck!
09-27-2004, 4:30 PM
i'm having a hell of a time getting it to work......i've tried opening the ports all to no avail.....

i can't get into the games that i create on my PC and try to join with the PS2 version of the game.

it's a tad frustrating
09-28-2004, 3:51 PM
I have opened up the following ports on my firewall to no avail:

2600-2900 TCP
2600-2900 UDP
3658 TCP
3659 UDP
6500 TCP

I used a port viewer while trying to connect to an online server and jotted down all the ports and opened them up. I even exaggerated the ranges a little to get a bigger range of ports in there and I am still unable to connect from behind my firewall.

Will someone from Pandemic/Lucas please address this issue? Firewalls are more and more common this day in age and I would greatly appreciate some sort of official guide/list of ports to getting the online play working through a firewall.

Thank you kindly.
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