i keep getting an fatal dialog box every time i try to start up battle front
my specs
900 mhz process
512 mb of ram
40 gb hard drive
Nvidia vanta video card
Hey NightStalker16,
Have you tried setting your video settings to 32-bit? the game needs to run at that setting. My BF wouldn't run at first and then I looked it up and change the bit settings. From then on, I'm good to go.
i got that but now it just does a flick flick and i'm back to the desktop
Hey NightStalker,
are u sure that SWB can run on a Vanta card?
If i remember good, the minimal spec said minimum a T&L card with 64MB of memory.
Nvidia Vanta cards haven't T&L and (in Europe) there was usually in 2 version: 16 and 32 MB.
If the CPU clock is lower then minimum required is not a problem (I have a Athlon900 and i have seen SWB run on a Duron700. Minimum required is 1GHZ). But if Video card hasn't the required memory, this card cant run SWB... =/
i have a radeon 9700 and when i want to start the game there is a black screnn for 5 secs and then im back on my desktop
I have:
2.4Ghz intel
256MB ATI Radeon 9550
Windows XP Professional service pack 2
And I'm having exactly the same problem. If anyone can shed some light on this I would appreciate it, I bought it brand new and its a clean install. Its fine in the menu but when I try to start a battle (i've tried Galactic Conquest, Campaign and training) but before it even begins loading the screen goes black for half a second and then crashes back to the desktop.
If anyone has a solution to this it would be VERY handy, I'm eager to play.