I have an AMD 1.3, 512 MB Ram, GForce4 Ti 4200 64MB, all drivers updated and Directx 9.0c. Installed great, game menu runs great, everything's great until I get into a game, either single, or multi. Then it freezes up. Sometimes it happens right away, other times it happens when I've been playing for a few minutes, or when another map loads. I've tried nearly everything and I'm stumped. I've even tried completely removing my video drivers and reinstalling, uninstalling Zone Alarm, disabling any anti-virus, etc. Anyone have an idea of what's going on, or what I can do?
Have you tried installing the latest video card/other drivers from you manufactor?
I had a magor problem with Doom3 as im sure just about everybody had troubles if they have a radeon card. Any way try getting all the latest drivers.
Yeah, drivers all updated.
Anyone got any ideas? Any word on when a patch will be out?
Hi ,
Just to say you are not alone.
My PC config is
PIV 1,6 Gigas
512 RAM
GeForce 4400 64mo
on my side, the game is simply unplayable as soon as i have to select my charachter at the begining of a campain.It lag so much that I cant moove my mouse pointer ...its a pure nightmare.
I have downloade all latest driver for my 3D card and lastest Direct X...but it changes nothing.
I hope Battlefront team will quickly give us a patch or something, because until now, the minimum configuration requirements printed on the box is just a joke :confused:
Same here. Exact same story. It usually gets to the point where I am supposed to choose the type of character, but once I did manage to get into the level itself!
I was very happy, but it just froze up again.
Hopefully, LSE will have some information concerning this later.
Thanks everyone. Fingers crossed that this issue will be solved soon. Patch is already out for PS2, maybe PC will be soon.
When I'm starting Multiplayer Mode, the game freezes and I must restart my computer. Help!:jawa
Same problem here. The game freezes at random times. Sometimes i'm playing 5 minutes, sometimes 15 minutes,... and then the game freezes. The only thing i can do is reboot the pc, very irritating. I hope it will be fixed soon in a patch.
as soon as I click multiplayer, It runs great in sp, and I am using zonealarm firewall, and I have enabled it through zonealarm, help!!!
i got the same problem but i changed the sound settings from software to hardware and suddenly it worked :)
btw dont install the patch i sux, now i cant play!
:confused: I get random freezing and stalling all my driver updated but if i leave nortan anti Virus I dont hve to reset just alt f4 and crtl alt del I love the game i just want it to runn smoother ogh ya tech on my computer is
gigabite amd motherborad Ga-7n400
amd xp pros
gfroce fx 5600
256 ram
also dumb question but would updating xp help much or not really
i think i found one way of fixng it get window service pack 2 it helps now it rarly hangs up but now more and more i play it more and more it works so get windows service pack 2 it might help it did for me:D :D
I had already installed SP2 and it did nothing to help. The only thing that has helped so far, and it only adds an extra minute of play time, is if I use 3rd person to play. PATCH PLEASE! I know I'm not the only one with this problem. :(
I think that without a powerfull pc anything can change.
I've downloaded the first patch, set up all my drivers and updated window pack2.
the problem is why do they put such fake confiuration on their packaging...if that doesn't work..it's a shame !(seems that lucas games dont really respect their customers)
I think that without a powerfull pc anything can change.
I've downloaded the first patch, set up all my drivers and updated window pack2.
the problem is why do they put such fake confiuration on their packaging...if that doesn't work..it's a shame !(seems that lucas games dont really respect their customers)