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GB Map tour mystery unit

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 Dagobahn Eagle
10-02-2001, 8:53 PM

Do you see the large temple-like building near the top-right corner of the screen? See the Naboo fighters flying just south and south-eaat of it? Great. Now look at the Naboo fighter that flies over the front door of the temple. Look just below it. See the small guy with brown clothing and a grey helmet with something red on it? Can anyone tell me what it is?
10-02-2001, 8:54 PM
ROFL! That's Aurra Sing!
10-02-2001, 9:59 PM
holy crap i think ur right i didnt know she was in GB sweet i thought it was a naboo night and check out the gian speeder at the bottom right they r sweet but AT-AT will kick a$$
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