Does anybody have an idea as to what the current price for Rogue Squadron is? I just got a 64 rescently and I only have one game, so it's kinda boring...
I'm a Sith on break.
Here in Canada it's <u>still</u> 69.99$!!!! Although that is PC, so I don't know what an N64 game would cost...I'll just shut up now.
--L.<font size=-2>
[This message has been edited by Lujayne (edited January 02, 2000).]
Star Wars Rogue Squadron N64 version
Current Price: $3.25
<a href="">Ebay) Auction #227569947</a>
Star Wars Rogue Squadron PC version
Current Price: $10.00
<a href="">Ebay) Auction #229253710</a>
I guess you can find it pretty cheap if you look around a bit.
Most of the N64 auctions finish around $20, and the PC versions end at about $15, and most of them come with the original box, etc.
<a href=" erty=MetaEndSort">Lots of RS auctions</a>
[This message has been edited by FireFly (edited January 02, 2000).]
The price of playing Rogue Squadron is your sanity!
...And you unreasonably fear the horizon...