in academy multiplayer, of click on that button that the create server etc. appears, you can click on 'play demo' with the desription: 'here can players share great moments of gemaplay' but how can you make a demo?
First, in the console type
g_syncronousclients 1
Then /record to start, and /stoprecord to stop I believe.
The /g_snyc command makes it laggy, so shout it off after you are finished be making the 1 a 0.
Actually, you can type: "g_synchronousclients 0" as soon as you've typed /record. You don't need to wait until you've finished recording.
In other words:
/g_synchronousclients 1
/record <demoname>
/g_synchronousclients 0
and then:
to finish.
*smacks self*
I'll remember that.