A long time ago I saw a Sith or Dark Jedi version of Luke Skywalker for JO. I can't seem to find it anymore and it suckz cuz that skin was really cool. I remember one thing for sure, his sleeves are a pattern of black and white stripes going from the buttom to the top, horizontally. I also think that he had a black outline around both eyes. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it. Thankz in advance.
Nah. That'z not the one, but thankz anyways. :D I forgot where exactly I saw it. :(
Nah. LoL :D If I remember correctly, the model did had a picture. I tried looking on Jedi Knight II myself and and I didn't see it there myself. He had pupils on his eyes, so I know he doesn't have white eyes. I should have downloaded it when I had the chance to. They probably removed it just like they removed the Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi model. on JK2files.com . Thankz again though.
Nah, he didn't have a beard. I saw him when I first played JO. Man...only if I can find him. I recently searched on
http://www.jk2files.com) and
http://jk2files.jediknight.net) but nothing. Man...I should have downloaded him back then. :(