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The Indviduals. New recruit mod! Come here to see it!

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08-22-2004, 1:24 PM
Hey people! I just had this idea to make a recruit mod that covers all replaceable characters, like Darth Straker did. But even though some people use his mod, I still want to present you the Individuals recruit mod. IT's not ready yet, all the character tga.s aren't even done, but here's what I've got so far
08-23-2004, 4:53 AM
LOoks pretty cool keep up the good work!

Do they have their own dialogues?
08-23-2004, 8:51 AM
Yes. Each character will have an own dialogue. There's no big plot behind it all like with Darth Straker. BTW, some help with scripts is welcome, since I seem to keep failing with them all the time.
08-23-2004, 8:55 AM
Originally posted by PrtyLizardJedi
Yes. Each character will have an own dialogue. There's no big plot behind it all like with Darth Straker. BTW, some help with scripts is welcome, since I seem to keep failing with them all the time.
What kind of scripts are you getting stuck with?
 Colma Adawin
08-23-2004, 9:19 AM
Originally posted by PrtyLizardJedi
Hey people! I just had this idea to make a recruit mod that covers all replaceable characters, like Darth Straker did. But even though some people use his mod, I still want to present you the Individuals recruit mod. IT's not ready yet, all the character tga.s aren't even done, but here's what I've got so far

okay Prty you got some decent re-skins there, but im afraid im not too keen on the little symbols on Malak's nose and others heads, sorry :(

08-23-2004, 9:41 AM
Originally posted by PrtyLizardJedi
Hey people! I just had this idea to make a recruit mod that covers all replaceable characters, like Darth Straker did. But even though some people use his mod, I still want to present you the Individuals recruit mod. IT's not ready yet, all the character tga.s aren't even done, but here's what I've got so far
It's very colorful ! :D Keep it up, dude. :)
08-23-2004, 9:45 AM
Originally posted by Achilles
What kind of scripts are you getting stuck with?

Well, the scripts are actually OK, but the attachment. I attached a spawn script to Janos Wretka's dialog, but the character didn't spawn! :(
08-23-2004, 9:57 AM
Zerh looks so cool!!!!!!!!! Which NPC would he replace?:cool: :cool: :cool:

- JediGabe
08-23-2004, 10:00 AM
..... All will be revealed in time....
If I remember to reveal them :lol:

And I still need help on attaching the scripts (I know how, but it still doesn't work) or someone to do it for me.
08-23-2004, 10:19 AM
Hey Prty, just a little suggestion...

Instead of The Individuals, possibly you should name them something a little more inspiring like;

The Magnificent Six
Prty's Six-Pack
The Masters of Death

Or something like that! :D

Just my 2 cents.
08-23-2004, 10:21 AM
That's not each of them, and if it contains a Jedi Master, Masters of Death is hardly fitting.

But thanx anyway for those 2 cents.
08-23-2004, 11:15 AM
Add a goody-goody jedi that only does goody-goody stuff:D

With a goody-goody dialog;D

But seriously they are awesome, keep me posted

(PS) will they be compatible with the allin1forcepowersmod by Various Modders
08-25-2004, 8:40 AM
I don't know, as I'm not familiar with that mod.
And contact me trough PM if you want to help with the script attachment probelm
08-25-2004, 1:01 PM
Prty's Six-Pack...
thats a good name! i think if u used Hue mode more often u would get a little more texture and not so much color...the colors are just a bit too bright for me...and the tatoos need to be redone. but hey! if i wanna reskin 'em i can do that, right now i just wanna see a GOOD recruit mod with GOOD dialogue and GOOD scripts that are NOT idiotic in the dialogue area...Darth Straker's recruits had absolutely apalling dialogue...i ultimately uninstalled it b/c of the terrible dialogue...and some specific bugs
08-26-2004, 9:22 AM
I'm definetly doing some redos, it was just some, and the mod, name suggestions that inlcude a number, you gotta know the nuber is 8, I've got 6 textures ready now

AND I STILL NEED HELP ON SCRIPTS!!!! (see earlier posts)
08-26-2004, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by PrtyLizardJedi
.And I still need help on attaching the scripts (I know how, but it still doesn't work) or someone to do it for me.
Can you post the script you are using?
08-26-2004, 11:07 AM
void main()

float x=67.01f;
float y=9.34f;
float z=0.00f;
float r=0.0f;
vector vecNPC=Vector(x,y,z);
location locNPC=Location(vecNPC, r);
object oNPC=CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE,"my_npc",locNPC);
object oPC=GetFirstPC();

BTW, is there a script that just spawns, but doesn't initiate a dialogue
08-26-2004, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by PrtyLizardJedi

BTW, is there a script that just spawns, but doesn't initiate a dialogue
Remove the last 3 lines of the script:

void main()

float x=67.01f;
float y=9.34f;
float z=0.00f;
float r=0.0f;
vector vecNPC=Vector(x,y,z);
location locNPC=Location(vecNPC, r);
object oNPC=CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE,"my_npc",locNPC);

BTW, did you used the script "as is"? You have to replace my_npc with your npc tag (look at the tag field in the .utc)

Check my recruit tutorial at the end of the first post for an explanation of what each line of the script does:
08-26-2004, 11:22 AM
It's the npc's utc name, no worries 'bout that.
The script still didn't work.
I've done a triple-check for the dialog.
No effect.

Might the problem be in the fact it's put by me

while it should be possibly put
08-26-2004, 11:45 AM
Could you answer the following questions:
- What is the name of your npc's .utc file?
- What is the tag of your npc? (What does the Tag field in the .utc says?
- What is the Template Res_ref of your npc (again look inside the .utc)
...and tell me you compiled the script right?

What you have to put in the script is not the name of the .utc but the tag of the npc.
08-26-2004, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Darth333

- What is the name of your npc's .utc file?

n_mithrek (not in Individuals)

Originally posted by Darth333

- What is the tag of your npc? (What does the Tag field in the .utc says?


Originally posted by Darth333

- What is the Template Res_ref of your npc (again look inside the .utc)


Originally posted by Darth333

...and tell me you compiled the script right?

I did
08-26-2004, 11:59 AM
Ok then try this:
1. Rename the .utc file to n_mithrek01 - instead of just n_mithrek- (put the same name as the TemplateResRef)

2. Just a tip: I suggest not using cap letters for the Template Res_Ref and Tag fields: they can just be a source of potential mistakes and who cares what they says since it does no appear in game. So I suggest you replace the tag by: darkjedim

3. use this code:

void main()

float x=67.01f;
float y=9.34f;
float z=0.00f;
float r=0.0f;
vector vecNPC=Vector(x,y,z);
location locNPC=Location(vecNPC, r);
object oNPC=CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE,"darkjedim",locNPC);
08-27-2004, 9:44 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
Ok then try this:
1. Rename the .utc file to n_mithrek01 - instead of just n_mithrek- (put the same name as the TemplateResRef)

2. Just a tip: I suggest not using cap letters for the Template Res_Ref and Tag fields: they can just be a source of potential mistakes and who cares what they says since it does no appear in game. So I suggest you replace the tag by: darkjedim

3. use this code:

void main()

float x=67.01f;
float y=9.34f;
float z=0.00f;
float r=0.0f;
vector vecNPC=Vector(x,y,z);
location locNPC=Location(vecNPC, r);
object oNPC=CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE,"darkjedim",locNPC);

Still nothin'
08-27-2004, 10:48 AM
Maybe it's the script that is not firing.

Try this:

void main()
float x=67.01f;
float y=9.34f;
float z=0.00f;
float r=0.0f;
vector vecNPC=Vector(x,y,z);
location locNPC=Location(vecNPC, r);
object oNPC=CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE,"darkjedim",locNPC);


This script should create a fade in effect: if you don't see any fade in, verify the location where you attached your script.

If you see a fade in/fade out: double check the .utc file and verify the coordinates.

If after this you can't still make it, send me a PM, I will verify your files.
08-27-2004, 3:09 PM
Nice. Too colorful. :D
08-27-2004, 4:05 PM
if u wanna make them less colorful all u gotta do is rename a texture for the same model and use it instead of wont change the recruit, just the appearance...just take a malak skin for example...say the name of malak's texture in this recruit mod is called N_DarthMalak02...u just take N_DarthMalak01 (the original malak texture that u hav dloaded) and rename it to be "N_DarthMalak02"...too colorful is easily fixed...or of course there is the obvious choice of opening up photoshop and editting the skin urself...but that's only for ppl with Photoshop
08-27-2004, 5:39 PM
Originally posted by Glamador
if u wanna make them less colorful all u gotta do is rename a texture for the same model and use it instead of wont change the recruit, just the appearance...just take a malak skin for example...say the name of malak's texture in this recruit mod is called N_DarthMalak02...u just take N_DarthMalak01 (the original malak texture that u hav dloaded) and rename it to be "N_DarthMalak02"...too colorful is easily fixed...or of course there is the obvious choice of opening up photoshop and editting the skin urself...but that's only for ppl with Photoshop Yes, thanks. I stopped playing kotor anyway.
08-28-2004, 9:07 AM
Originally posted by Glamador
if u wanna make them less colorful all u gotta do is rename a texture for the same model and use it instead of wont change the recruit, just the appearance...just take a malak skin for example...say the name of malak's texture in this recruit mod is called N_DarthMalak02...u just take N_DarthMalak01 (the original malak texture that u hav dloaded) and rename it to be "N_DarthMalak02"...too colorful is easily fixed...or of course there is the obvious choice of opening up photoshop and editting the skin urself...but that's only for ppl with Photoshop

NO worries, I've been rethinking and I will do a redo on most of them. I won't replace originals, no worries about that.
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