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is there a way to make the 20sec fp last for alot longer?

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08-20-2004, 4:09 PM
force armor and valor and force run and w/e the othere ones there are

are asome but the lasting for soooo litle time makes them usles :rifle1: i use the one and it taks 5-7 secs for it to go threw animation and only leaving 15-13 of it actuly helping :/

i would like them to work for at least 200 perferably for 1000
08-20-2004, 4:13 PM
Check this old dusty thread:

Personally I don't see the point in making a power last 200 or 1000 seconds in an rpg :confused:
08-20-2004, 4:14 PM
Yeah its possible by modifying the force power script. Do a search for force powers on this forum.
08-20-2004, 5:08 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
Check this old dusty thread:

Personally I don't see the point in making a power last 200 or 1000 seconds in an rpg :confused:

its for more or less force run :) im trying to follow that old thread but i have no clue what the heck there talking about lol

as iv gatherd i need to have kotor tool and nt w/e it is so i downloaded them opend kotor tool and now i have no clue what to do
08-20-2004, 5:09 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
Personally I don't see the point in making a power last 200 or 1000 seconds in an rpg :confused:
Agreed. I did make this mod, but I only doubled the times. 40 second Force Armor is pretty reasonable, as is 72 seconds of Master Speed.

Anything more probably begins to cut into game balance.

EDIT: I also ran into some problems with NPC continually casting Force Valor instead of fighting. I don't know what I did to fix it but the second time I made the mod, it went away. Just an FYI for those that run into trouble :D
08-20-2004, 5:13 PM
Originally posted by maddogsz
its for more or less force run :) im trying to follow that old thread but i have no clue what the heck there talking about lol

as iv gatherd i need to have kotor tool and nt w/e it is so i downloaded them opend kotor tool and now i have no clue what to do
Look for dh-vug's message about a third of the way down the page.

That should get you started :)
08-20-2004, 5:50 PM
After that, save the file, extract k_inc_debug.nss and k_sp1_generic.nss, put k_inc_force in the same directory as them, compile k_sp1_generic.nss, and put k_sp1_generic.ncs in your Override folder.

ok how do i compile ? err or were do i get HazardX's script compiler
08-20-2004, 6:14 PM
Originally posted by maddogsz
After that, save the file, extract k_inc_debug.nss and k_sp1_generic.nss, put k_inc_force in the same directory as them, compile k_sp1_generic.nss, and put k_sp1_generic.ncs in your Override folder.

ok how do i compile ? err or were do i get HazardX's script compiler

The stickies (specifically the Tools and Downloads sticky) and the search function will be able to answer that for you in less time than I can. :D:D:D
08-20-2004, 6:25 PM
Indeed. Thoise stickies aren't there for nothing. They should answer many of you questions. You will also find donwload links as well as instructions as to use the compiler in the Guide for the Newbie sticky. For more details afterwards, check the Do you want to mod SWKotor sticky.
08-20-2004, 8:16 PM
im brand new i did not even know there was stickys :) and the serc thingy was not helping becaus i did not get the right words :)

thanks for you help :)

but now my fp arnt working at all lol even tho i took the modifyed folders out guess its time to delet reinstal kotor :/
08-20-2004, 8:28 PM
Originally posted by maddogsz
im brand new i did not even know there was stickys :) and the serc thingy was not helping becaus i did not get the right words :)

thanks for you help :)

but now my fp arnt working at all lol even tho i took the modifyed folders out guess its time to delet reinstal kotor :/
Errr...they are all the thread at the top of the page with the work "Stuck:" next to them :)

Hold off on a complete reinstall. That should only be necessary if you completely hosed your game. If your mod didn't work, all you should need to do is remove it from your Override folder and start a new game.
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