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Darth333's Warp Band MIA

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08-19-2004, 5:40 PM
i downloaded Darth333's Warp Armband, knowing it would be a great download

ok so i install every file into override

eh? it dont appear, tried making new game and code spawning, just didnt appear

im doing something wrong.... what is it? lol
08-19-2004, 6:52 PM
I just tried the download at pcgamemods and it works :confused:

Did you tried the cheat : "giveitem d333_warpband" without quotes? The armband will also be placed in your inventory when you begin a new game.
08-19-2004, 6:54 PM
tried that, just oddly it dont appear. i tried doing a new game and cheat
08-19-2004, 7:11 PM
BTW, I just updated the file at pcgamemods: there was aloop in the dialog that would prevent you from using the armband to travel to Manaan :( Download:

BTW, where are you looking in your inventory. The armband is not a saber so it will appear in the slot for the armbands, not in the weapon slot.
08-19-2004, 7:23 PM
i look for it in the armband equip slot

its an armband so it was first choice to look there lol
08-19-2004, 7:52 PM
Well then the only thing i can say is make sure you don't make any typo :confused:

Do you have other mods with the spells.2da file? (although that would only prevent the armband from working, not from appearing in your inventory...)

Why don't you redwonload the package and make sure everything is in your override.

Try starting a new game and see if it appears.
08-19-2004, 8:41 PM
just want to say that i downloaded ur new version and it works great. thanks for your help :)
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