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Spiderman Malak Taking Form

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 En liten mus
08-17-2004, 7:07 AM
Heres the final version:

Il relese it on Pcgammods

Its now posted on Pcgamemods you can get it if you pres on my signature link
08-17-2004, 7:25 AM
Originally posted by En liten mus
Im having trouble placing the mark (black spider) on his chest...

Just remember that half will mirror to create the other half. Maybe you could find a diagram online somewhere?

Let me know when you get to Wonder Woman :D
 En liten mus
08-17-2004, 7:36 AM
LOL... i wonder what skin il use then

Edit: Maby bastilas...where can i find that..hmmm and where are all the armors?
08-17-2004, 7:41 AM
Very cool Spidy-Malak reskin start you have there En liten mus! :D

*LOL* Well you did it again Achillies you mentioned the Justice League in a joke and here they come! :D
 En liten mus
08-17-2004, 7:44 AM
hey redhawk how do you add the hyperlinks in your signature? explain it to me as i am a 5 year old.
08-17-2004, 7:50 AM
Like this;

[*url=]Click) Here For My Mods![/url*]

Just add that exact line to your sig (Copy and Paste), be sure to remove the two asteriks (*) and you should be all set.

The link I put in there is to all your mods on pcgamemods allready! :D

I hope this helps! :D

EDIT: See it works! :D
 Colma Adawin
08-17-2004, 7:52 AM
Originally posted by En liten mus
Heres a work in progress:

i like that En, but i think the eyes need to be bigger
but thats me, im personally not a fan of Spiderman or spiders for that matter :D:D

 En liten mus
08-17-2004, 8:03 AM
Thanx Redhawk it helped as you can see :D

OBS: here is an updated screenie:

08-17-2004, 8:05 AM
Originally posted by En liten mus
Thanx Redhawk it helped as you can see :D

Youre welcome! :D
 En liten mus
08-17-2004, 8:10 AM
YOU can now get it at pcgamemods just click my signature
08-17-2004, 10:45 AM
once again, i laugh heartily
 En liten mus
08-17-2004, 11:02 AM
:D :D :D :D :p :D :D :D
08-17-2004, 11:14 AM
Lol, funny stuff :D
08-17-2004, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by RedHawke
*LOL* Well you did it again Achillies you mentioned the Justice League in a joke and here they come! :D

Yeah...remind me not to do that again :)
 En liten mus
08-17-2004, 12:26 PM
Is It really that bad Achillies? You made me :( :( now.
Comon its good, it just not pretaining to SW.
Giveme that atleast.....
:D :D :D
08-17-2004, 4:23 PM
Originally posted by En liten mus
Is It really that bad Achillies? You made me :( :( now.
Comon its good, it just not pretaining to SW.
Giveme that atleast.....
:D :D :D

You're right on both counts; it isn't bad and it has nothing to do with Star Wars. Don't let my snobbishness (or anyone else's) keep you from making the mods you feel need making. Have fun!
08-17-2004, 4:28 PM
:Too funny! We will soon have the complete justice league. :D (We will need bad guys too) Keep those mods coming :D
08-17-2004, 4:46 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
:Too funny! We will soon have the complete justice league. :D (We will need bad guys too) Keep those mods coming :D

*is afraid that some is going to start turning droids into Transformers*

No offense, Prime :D
08-17-2004, 6:10 PM
now THAT is a great idea!
08-17-2004, 6:18 PM
Just posting this because you seem to be on a roll and this is just helpful.
08-17-2004, 6:32 PM
Your re-skins all look so cool! Keep it up!
Hey! How about Re-skinning Carth's clothes to look like the Green Lantern!:cool: GL has always been my favorite super hero!:)
 En liten mus
08-17-2004, 6:54 PM
Your gona hafto give me the name of carthes clothes since the files dont have aby specifick names just numbers (almost). After that id love to give it a try :D :D
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