isn't it by the guys who did Galactic Civilizations?
They are pretty cool developers, and release all there stuff for direct download over the web.
It looked interesting, and they were good at simulating AI in GC.
They also do some sort of package where you pay a ceratin ammount, and then can download all their games for free.... which is worth it if you want more than one game. ( I think it is $89 for all their games, though i don't know if there are any limits...
I think it allows you to run as either of the 2 real candidates, or run as your own character against them. :D
Or, for those with a more action mood:
September 12th ( creator insists that it "is not a game"--challenges the player to fire cruise missiles at terrorists in a densely populated Middle Eastern city. As the explosives wreak havoc, civilians weep over the casualties and morph into terrorists themselves, creating an ever-growing number of enemies.