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skins and a question

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 Solidus Snake
08-15-2004, 4:48 AM
hey all, i recently got into the kotor re-skinning scene, so i thought i'd show a few things i came up with :D

this first one shows bastila (one of my first, a re-color) and malak

and this is an edited jedi robe made into a wallpaper

i also have a question regarding the in-game sounds (such as dialouge or selecting a character with the tab button). i understand how to extract them and decompress them, but im fuzzy on how to actually edit them and add them into the game. i usually end up with the sound not coming up at all.

thanks everybody
08-15-2004, 4:55 AM
That first pic is hilarious. The second pic will by the new wallpaper on my work PC as of Monday.

Just out of curiosity, who's John Cygan?
08-15-2004, 4:57 AM
:disaprove The first one is just... Wrong on so many levels... :eyeraise: but its very, very funny! :D

The second one... RLMFAO!!! Now thats a soon to be classic... :D


Achillies I think John Cygan was the voice of Canderous, but don't quote me on that! :D
08-15-2004, 5:06 AM
Originally posted by RedHawke
Achillies I think John Cygan was the voice of Canderous, but don't quote me on that! :D

Well, aren't you the man.
08-15-2004, 3:27 PM
Honestly, If someone could do the Superman reskin as Jedi Robes, I would never wear anything else.
08-15-2004, 4:13 PM
Originally posted by Frinklin
Honestly, If someone could do the Superman reskin as Jedi Robes, I would never wear anything else.

Well, I guess that makes sense. RedHawke completed The Star Trek Collection....the next logical step has to be Justice League, right?

*sits back and waits for Aqua Man skin*
08-15-2004, 4:23 PM
Lol, that looks funny :)

Im still waiting for the pink jedi bathrobe...
08-15-2004, 5:11 PM
Originally posted by Achillies
Well, I guess that makes sense. RedHawke completed The Star Trek Collection....the next logical step has to be Justice League, right?

*sits back and waits for Aqua Man skin*
Justice League, lol!!!! :D :D :D
I saw that few times :p
Nice skin, very funny.
08-15-2004, 5:12 PM
Originally posted by Cerasumat
Lol, that looks funny :)

Im still waiting for the pink jedi bathrobe...

Like this ( one?
08-15-2004, 5:15 PM
lol :D
08-16-2004, 1:30 AM
Originally posted by Achillies
Well, I guess that makes sense. RedHawke completed The Star Trek Collection....the next logical step has to be Justice League, right?

*sits back and waits for Aqua Man skin*

Hmm... Is that a hint?.. Justice League robes huh?.. nah... it wouldn't seem right! :D

I'm glad you really like the Pink ( Jedi Robes Achillies! :D
08-16-2004, 1:49 AM
the first pic is too funny for words:)
08-16-2004, 2:12 AM
I luv it ! :D

What do you mean edit the sounds? do you want to make a cut /copy/ paste job as I did in the Dustil mod (if you have seen it)? or add custom tracks?To edit sound, You can dl goldwave in the newbie guide sticky. Best thng is to slow down sound to manipulate it (you can pm me if you have questions about this).
08-16-2004, 2:18 AM
welcome to Holowan Solidus Snake, Keep those comming. :)
 Colma Adawin
08-16-2004, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by T7nowhere
welcome to Holowan Solidus Snake, Keep those comming. :)

100% agree, i cant wait to see what else you produce, GOOD LUCK BUD :D:D

Just dont touch the Lightsabre re-colours, IM working on that :p im kiddin, honest :D


PS Yes i am actually working on them with Gsccc
08-16-2004, 7:00 PM
gimme those kill bill robes or i'll hunt u down...and make them available for non-jedi's if u can!
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