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Don't judge the GB AI from the demo!

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 Dagobahn Eagle
10-02-2001, 8:05 PM
I know you don't want "sitting ducks only attacking what's less than 5 tiles away", but think: In the demo, if the rebels used all their bases to build units, sent their units on scout runs, and did things like building walls around their bases, how big would your winning chances be?

The AI in the mission are specifically programmed to sit still. The real AI, free to move, will probably be much more challenging.

Dagobahn Eagle
10-02-2001, 8:19 PM
I completely agree... scenarios have a much different AI from the one of Skirmish mode. I think it will be a little better than AOK's
10-02-2001, 8:31 PM
man i hope its more like AOKTC standard is equal to gb easiest because hardest wasnt even hard or medium or even easy:rolleyes:
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