Or you could always get a Wii. Tons of SNES and other games on the virtual console.
*Smack* NO!
$8 for an SNES game that he probably already owns on a $250 console? NO!
I jest at the punishment, but I do mean the whole re-buy some of your games at high prices, just no...
I purchased The Witcher: Enhanced Edition from Gamstop last Tuesday. I've had a busy week and I haven't had much time to play it, but what I have played has been an absolute blast. I never played the original so I guess I was taking a gamble, but I love it so far.
Has anyone here ever tried out The Witcher?
I've had The Witcher for the last few months, I got into it for a few days (meaning I played it for 1-4 hours a day for a week or so), then heard that the EE update was coming out I decided to put it down for the time being. I installed the free EE update today, but I'm too busy with RockBand 2 and Stalker Clear Sky to start that back up for the moment. I do look forward to it, though.
Pretty interesting game, though... Oh wait... I was just about to say something about the super long load times but just remembered hearing something about that... super short load times? Yes'm please. (They used to be 30-50 seconds just to load another area, they're probably much shorter for you... I'd assume)