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Change Voice

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08-12-2004, 2:01 AM
Is it possible to change your main character's voice to a different gender? I have changed my female character's portrait and model to male using KSE v2.07, but "his" voice is still female. I can't find a way to change it using KSE v2.07, the NWN Explorer, or the GFF Editor.

I am pretty sure that the variable is somewhere in SAVEGAME.sav and not savenfo.res.

Another method that I have tried to do is create a new game with a male character and port in everything from the first save game (I'm about halfway through the game). I've managed to port all of my equipment but I can't get to the planet I'm supposed to be on.

Any ideas?
08-12-2004, 2:05 AM
Originally posted by cisco3434
Is it possible to change your main character's voice to a different gender? I have changed my female character's portrait and model to male using KSE v2.07, but "his" voice is still female. I can't find a way to change it using KSE v2.07, the NWN Explorer, or the GFF Editor.

I am pretty sure that the variable is somewhere in SAVEGAME.sav and not savenfo.res.

Another method that I have tried to do is create a new game with a male character and port in everything from the first save game (I'm about halfway through the game). I've managed to port all of my equipment but I can't get to the planet I'm supposed to be on.

Any ideas?

One would think that the sound effects would be tied to the gender flag. I wish I had some advice to offer, but I don't.

Is this something that you plan on doing regularly (or as part of a mod) or did you just decide to be fickle half way througth this game?
08-12-2004, 2:12 AM
first off, are you actually referring to sound (i.e. voice) or are you referring to the way npc's treat you (sex differentiation). btw, just porting your inventory from your old game to your new game will only give the inventory. it will NOT put in the same spot. if you want to get close, first, get the global comparison tool. then, match up the globals from your old save to your new one. you can use kse for this. second, get darth333's warpband. then use her warpband to get you into the last module. i hope this doesn't sound like chinese.
08-12-2004, 5:27 AM
Originally posted by stingerhs
first off, are you actually referring to sound (i.e. voice) or are you referring to the way npc's treat you (sex differentiation). If you had read my post you would know that I need help changing the voice. I guess you imagined the other possibility...
Originally posted by stingerhs
btw, just porting your inventory from your old game to your new game will only give the inventory. it will NOT put in the same spot.Did you figure that one out on your own?
Originally posted by stingerhs
if you want to get close, first, get the global comparison tool. then, match up the globals from your old save to your new one. you can use kse for this. second, get darth333's warpband. then use her warpband to get you into the last module. i hope this doesn't sound like chinese. It doesn't sound like Chinese, it doesn't even read like Chinese; it reads like extreme CONDESCENSION.
Originally posted by Achillies
Is this something that you plan on doing regularly (or as part of a mod) or did you just decide to be fickle half way througth this game? Just decided to fickle around halfway through.
I also expected the voice to be tied to the gender flag.
08-12-2004, 5:32 AM

Welcome to the forum. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the forum rules before posting again. I have reported your post to the moderators, so you might not want to flame the patrons, otherwise you risk getting banned.

Looking foward to nicer things from you in the future...

08-12-2004, 5:36 AM

Welcome to this topic. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the forum rules before posting again. I have reported your post to the moderators, so you might not want to flame the patrons or unnecessarily clutter the topics, otherwise you risk getting banned.

Looking foward to nicer things from you in the future...

08-12-2004, 5:45 AM
Brand spanking new to the forums and all ready making new freinds I see cisco3434.

I mean you don't want to see Prime say "Prime Smash" or T7 say "I wonder what this button does" anytime in the future do you?
08-12-2004, 10:07 AM
Ok guys, let's keep the discussion friendly.
I won't use my force lightning button :lightning and even less the particle suppressor button if you do so.

cisco3434: stingerhs didn't know what you know and don't know( I have no idea either) and was just trying to help. Everyone is welcomed here, experienced or not. Less experienced people can learn from others and I am always glad to see new people getting introduced to kotor modding and joining the forum. There is no reason to mock someone, especially when they are trying to help. Everyone has to start somewhere and mutual respect is a basic rule here.

Now, let's all forget about this incident and get back on topic. I can't have a look at the voice thing right now because I'm not at home. But it is an interesting question and I'll have a look at it this evening. In the meantime, cisco3434 if you find out, let us know. It would be appreciated.
08-12-2004, 6:52 PM
Edit: A quick solution would be to edit the soundset.2da file at lines 82 and 83 by changing the names in the res_ref colums to that of the male player (lines 84 and 85).

Better: in the utc, change the SoundSetFile field to the corresponding line in soundset.2da

KSE does not allow to customize soundset yet. It wouldn't be difficult to add this function to kse but tk is gone now :( Maybe I'll try my hand at it (with his permission).

Originally posted by cisco3434
I've managed to port all of my equipment but I can't get to the planet I'm supposed to be on.
Any ideas?
Huh? What do you mean by unable to get to the planet you are supposed to? What happens?
08-12-2004, 10:07 PM
I mean I can't get to the position in the game I'm supposed to be at.
08-12-2004, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by cisco3434
I mean I can't get to the position in the game I'm supposed to be at.
And where is that? What happens, do you get stuck somewhere? If yes, where.
08-13-2004, 5:44 AM
I mean I want to jump ahead to the point in the game I'm at in the original save game, but I don't know how to specify that or in which file to do so.
08-14-2004, 7:20 PM
Ok first thing, warp to the point you were in the game. You can use the warp cheat or my easy warping armband (click on my sig to download). No need to know the cheat code with the Easy Warping Armband, just equip the armband, activate like any other armband and select your destination.

Next, save your game.

Close kotor and use KSE to edit globals. If you want to compare two savegames, you can also get the Global Variable Comparison Tool, also by tk102 (check the Guide for the Newbie in the stickies to get the tool) so you know exactly which boxes to check. If you have problems with editing globals, just PM me.

BTW, concerning sounds, have a look at this thread: I have succesfully tried editing KSE and it has been updated so that you can now change the soundset when your PC undergoes sex change :D :
08-14-2004, 7:36 PM
Thanks for the update.
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