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Trouble with portraits

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08-11-2004, 8:51 PM
I am having great difficulty with making my portraits.2da compatible with all of my mods...i have the mendah, torren, tellka zill, redhawke, and yuthura recruits...i am attempting to make them work...i have placed all of the lines from portraits.2da (the ones that came with the mods) at the end of the redhawke portraits.2da...i then opened with the GFFeditor each of their .utc files and editted the line PortraitID to correspond with the line in portraits.2da...i dont know wat im doing wrong...torren strangely enuf uses redhawke's portrait and mendah lacks a portrait entirely...its just a white space...
08-11-2004, 9:32 PM
Double check the files and compare them with the originals, you probably forgot something. Look at "step 6 --> take a photo of your npc " in my How to recruit an npc in less than 10 steps ( tutorial.
08-11-2004, 11:09 PM
ive checked and double checked on hte mendah recruit and it still just has a white blank space...i have no clue wats wrong with it but i have made a screenshot if it will help you to help me:
08-11-2004, 11:22 PM
Screenshot looks ok :confused: Did you tried to install only this mod (original package) to see if the portrait appears? It has to be saved in tga format, 32 bits. If not, contact Achillies to let him know.
08-11-2004, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by Glamador
ive checked and double checked on hte mendah recruit and it still just has a white blank space...i have no clue wats wrong with it but i have made a screenshot if it will help you to help me:

i have the same problem with a couple of portraits, only i have the holowan plugin, hence, i haven't touched portraits.2da, with the one exception of adding redhawke, but that one works.
08-11-2004, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
Screenshot looks ok :confused: Did you tried to install only this mod (original package) to see if the portrait appears? It has to be saved in tga format, 32 bits. If not, contact Achillies to let him know.

How odd. It works on my end.

I suppose I should ask the obvious: You did check the override folder to see if there's a file labeled po_mendah, correct?
08-12-2004, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Achillies
How odd. It works on my end.

I suppose I should ask the obvious: You did check the override folder to see if there's a file labeled po_mendah, correct?
Thats an idea ,make sure the names of the portraits in your override folder match the names of the portraits in the portraits.2da
08-12-2004, 2:17 AM
You do not need to edit the utc to add the portrait ID number*at least I don't think you do*( I wasn't even aware that was there) :) the portraits associate with the appearance.2da. What you need to check is the appearance number which in that screen looks like mendah's appearance number is 52 so you need to check appearnce.2da to make sure that is correct. if it is not then find what his appearance row number is and edit portraits to match.
08-12-2004, 3:11 PM
the strange thing is...his portrait shows up for another party member...i deleted the sith armada mod and now HIS portrait is showing for Ceeia Ventress...obviously that's a random error but it proves that it CAN work but it doesnt...
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